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Skullington FB sticker by Jared Nickerson |
Dang! Was that the longest I've gone without posting an update to this blog? I'm too lazy to sift back through nearly 10 years (dear lord, this blog is OVER 10 years old!? HOW!?) of posts to double check, so we'll just say it probably is, at least in recent memory.
Also, side note, seems my first ever post to this blog was September 10, 2010! With all the pandemic and election craziness I didn't even register that! So... sorry, blog, for neglecting the milestone of me doing this for a solid decade! Belated happy birthday?
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I guess you guys were spared from a sappy and lengthy reflective blog post as I recapped my experiences blogging for a decade.
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"Whew!" Image generated by Bitmoji |
Anyway, April's been a bit of a rough month for me. Nothing too heavy, but just the weight of us doing this whole Pandemic Life(TM) BS for over a year now. I was able to have a nice little Easter celebration with our niece and nephew; tag-teaming between playing with them and helping the hubby grill dinner. Meanwhile, my sister-in-law tried to rein in her father who was in uber-stressed mode. So... that... was... a holiday....
After Easter, work has been fairly non-stop. Let's see, my April list has consisted of (roughly):
- A surge of customers as people are getting their tax refunds and/or the stimulus checks and/or have been vaccinated and feel more comfortable entering stores again.
- Updating clearance for the first time since, like, JUNE (and, for Reasons(TM), updating the clearance is pretty much a week-long process)
- Updating sale tags
- Updating product pricing and figuring out the nation-wide sale prices for these pieces (something else that nearly took a week)
- Battling with the company website not having some products up (which meant I had to track down images and information to put onto the website), having products mislabeled, posting and pricing up a PIECE of a complete set even though said piece CANNOT be sold individually, and sizing information from manufacturers having typos, so the dimensions on some pieces were MASSIVELY inaccurate on our website.
- Dealing with a random influx of angry reviews and trying to explain why I can't do anything about them to the owners.
- Taking webinars about how to promote the business to try to get more POSSITIVE reviews, and then try to convince the owners to do the things suggested in the webinars said owners signed me up to take.
- Playing gate keeper to the seven or so companies that now have my office number and work email (thanks to the aforementioned webinars) all trying to get the owners to buy their website add-ons to help improve customer service.
- Dealing with angry customers who - while warned that it's been hard for us to get product in so it will be roughly a 6 month wait to get new pieces in - are yelling about how long they have to wait for something they've paid for.
- Enduring the near-endless grumbles of at least one coworker who has been threatening quitting (almost on the daily) for over a year now.
- Updating fabric drops, which usually means sorting through hundreds of available samples to make sure we have all the currently offered options, as well as pulling anything that the manufacturer is no longer using.
- Product training that was re-scheduled about 3x and eventually landed on a day I was scheduled off, so I got to go in for a few hours to do that... yay... at least I was allowed to wear my jeans and t-shirt.
Dang work making me actually work at my job!
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Ya-Ya Facebook sticker by Birdman, Inc |
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Pandadog and Friends Facebook sticker by Funnyeve.com |
- Marinette has been in love with Adrien for years, but has never had the courage to let him know. Adrien's clueless of Marinette's full affections. He considers her one of his closest friends but never considered her in a romantic light.
- Marinette is an aspiring teenage fashion designer.
- Adrien has an emotionally and mentally abusive father who forces his son to model his line of clothes as well as overbooks Adrien's schedule so the poor kid barely has any free social time; keeping Adrien as isolated as possible outside of school.
I think one of the main reasons why I'm promoting RTTW so hard - aside from it just truly being such a delight to read; it's easily in my top 10 faves - is because it also helped inspire some more writing from me.
On the one hand, yes, yet again I'm writing fanfiction based on fan content. First it was a retelling of Pixie's story Twelve Days of Chatmas, then it was a story based on Carpisuns' fanart, and now it's a partial retelling of chapter 12 of RTTW. All I seem to do is build off of other peoples' original thoughts. On the other hand, I'M WRITING SOMETHING! LOOK AT ME GO!
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Hacker Girl Facebook sticker by Birdman, Inc |
So anyway, chapter 12 of RTTW starts off with Adrien in 2023 wondering what to do after Marinette locked herself in her future self's sewing studio all night. He recounts that night, how eventually he went to bed because he didn't know how to comfort his friend, and how she still agreed to join him on the trip to NYC, but seemed both exhausted and incredibly stressed as they waited for take-off.
In my comment about the chapter I had stated that I imagined Marinette creeping out of the studio around 3am, went to check in on Adrien, watched him sleep, wrestled with her desire to just curl up beside him in bed, and eventually re-locked herself away in her studio to resist temptation.
MLG had commented that it seemed like a sweet scene, especially when she wasn't sure what Marinette was doing while hiding from Adrien. That got the ball rolling, and I spent the better part of the next week stealing any brief breathers I could at work - or while doing otherwise mindless tasks such as scanning tags - and brainstorming that scene further. With my limited free time this month, it kept me about ten days to complete my little one-shot (ha! "little"! It's nearly 4500 words long).
Could Your Paradise Also Be Your Hell?
Summary: Marinette is not coping very well when she's magically transported into her older-self's body, and discovers she's now married to Adrien Agreste.
Rating: Teen for mildly suggestive elements
Word Count: 4488
I was excited that MLG loved the story. I was then dumbfounded when she decided to promote it in her own story! So now, when you get to Chapter 12 of Remember That Time When..., the link to my story is in her closing chapter notes. The link is also in the closing story notes, so when you get to the end of the most recently updated chapter - or the end of the whole story once it's complete - you'll also get a link to my story! Like... WHAT!?
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Thanks to MLG helping to promote my story, I'm actually getting way more love for it than I was expecting, honestly.
I haven't quite hit the week mark for the story since I published it Friday night, so I'm not going to share my normal "week-long" stats. I was also too busy Saturday to properly grab the "24-hr mark" stats. However, I did have a few minutes on Sunday, so here are my "39-hours" stats, I guess.
FFN: 335 views, 9 favorites, 7 followers, and 2 reviews
AO3: 1006 hits, 100 kudos, 11 bookmarks, and 7 comments
DA: 408 views, but no faves or comments
Total Results: 1749 views! 109 faves/kudos! 18 followers, and 9 reviews
Tumblr Notes: 7 notes; 5 likes and 2 reblogs.
1. Very well done! I'll have to check out the story that inspired this. - Agiani
2. Review by Wildfire's Flame is too long; see below
3. Aaaahhh this is such a good addition to Remember That Time When. I love it!!!! I love that Marinette didn’t just lock herself away all night, but he doesn’t know. She’s such a mess, it’s perfect. - ktreereads
4. This was an enjoyable story! I’ll have to go check out the larger one when I have time. 😊 - Pkk
5. Review by mostlovedgirl is too long; see below
6. I'm glad you wrote it. It is such a supplement to that story, written just as well as the original. I'd like to read any more of your interpretations. - jessyxx
7. Oh this is ADORABLE! These two just... such bliss. Such fluff. - Keyseeker
8. Review by SteelBlaidd is too long; see below
9. You can't imagine now how much I want a Someday someday 🥰 - Sunnywet
10. *inhales* AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Go read this!! Read it now!!! - MLG's Tumblr reblog
Wildfire's Flame: Giggles. I enjoyed it and I must check out the story that inspired it. I did wonder about Tikki and Plagg. But your summary explained that. I kinda would have liked [REDACTED DUE TO STORY SPOILERS] Going to combust. Grins. Its perfect. Thank you
mostlovedgirl: Wow. I— Uh— Gah— AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!! (I’m a little lost for words at the moment.)
Okay, so I also could not decide how Marinette spent her night. I still don’t know, but it very may well have played out like this. Give me a few minutes to process and I’m sure I will be convinced that this is how it happened.
So many nods to little details in RTTW. (Girl, how many times have you read it?? Color me impressed.)
And, oh, how exquisitely painful it all was. I’m so glad there are only a few chapters left. Marinette needs her happy ending (beginning?), dang it!! Okay time to get back to writing. But kudos to you. Kudos to this fic. Just... kudos all ‘round. Love you, friend. Catch you later. *waltzes out door gracefully*
(Meanwhile out in the hall... *inhales* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!)
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"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" Natsuo Maki from Love Lab created by Ruri Miyahara |
SteelBlaidd: Poor Marinette. She still can't get out of her own way.
Her little inner Chloé voice still whispering that she is too lame for Adrien to ever think of her that way.
Excellent pacing and a wonderful feel for the mood.
Her cycles of tentative acceptance and panic are delightfully tense.
Well done.
Circling back to my own writing and MLG's story RTTW, chapter 12 wasn't the only one to inspire me. The very next chapter also inspired me. More specifically, a review by ShawnaCanon on chapter 13 kicked my muse into overdrive. The long and short is that, in the chapter, Marinette in 2018 told her husband Adrien that they definitely can't hang out around her mom otherwise the woman would instantly figure them out. It's implied that Marinette meant Sabine would figure out they're romantically attached and would just assume they're dating, but that alone would still cause a bit of chaos for their 17yo counterparts when they body swap back. Shawna jokingly commented that it would be funny if Marinette meant her mother would figure out that Adrien and Marinette are actually a married couple from the future "possessing" the 17yo bodies.
It was too funny a writing prompt to leave it be, so I wrote the scene of Sabine figuring the couple out when Adrien comes over for breakfast. I have yet to publish it anywhere by itself, but I DID post my scene as a response to Shawna in the comments. So, if you want to read that scene, go on over to RTTW, read through it while you're there, and then check the comments section of chapter 13.
I've been debating pulling the scene from the comments section and publishing it for others to see, but I feel like it would really only make sense as part of a series or anthology. Maybe I'll pair it with Can Your Paradise Also Be Your Hell? In the meantime, the scene and Shawna's initial writing prompt inspired MLG, and she did indeed put a variant of that scene in the actual story! So... neat!
With less than a week left before RTTW is complete, let's see if MLG can inspire me to write anything else. Heck, just last night, I fell asleep wondering if I wanted to expand CYPABYH to further dive into what Adrien was doing that night while Marinette was hiding from him. We have the broad strokes, but what if we zoom in and focus on the details of that night, what would it look like? How much did he plan out that night to try to help make Marinette comfortable? How many times did he study the wedding pictures to try to figure out when his future self fell? How many times did he read through the itinerary for the New York trip? How alone did he feel in that apartment? Was he used to being on his own after living with his father? How long did he linger outside the studio door, waiting for Marinette?
Perhaps if I decide to expand this story or create another vignette like I did with "Sabine figures the young couple out", I'll grab the Detective Sabine short from the comments and officially post it. I'm still a touch on the fence right now though.
I already have all of these other plot bunnies I've slowly accrued since October - my own Felix and Bridgette story, the various story ideas birthed from Ladybug's Simp Squad, the half-dozen long-standing plot bunnies I've been nursing for years now, a companion story for the New York special, and WIPs such as I Don't Care and One and the Same - and so I'm a bit overwhelmed with writing ideas as is. This doesn't even take into consideration any renewed inspiration to work on "Glitches" again.
Man, I really need to find the time and energy to actually get to writing!
At least I'm stumbled my way into posting something new each month since the start of 2021. That's a lot better than 2020 already! Whoo!
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So, to finish up this week's grand return to blogging, some house keeping.
First of all, Hubby and I finally managed our first vaccine shot this past Friday. Whoo! We've had some mixed reactions to the vaccine, but nothing too major. I lucked into having both yesterday and today off, and I ended up spending nearly a third of yesterday sleeping. Not sure if that's because of the vaccine, or simply pure exhaustion after this past month, or a "happy" combo of the two, but I definitely feel better today.
Now to hope the second dose doesn't kick my butt too severely in May.
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Secondly, a belated Happy Easter or Passover or Ramadan or any other holiday I may have missed this past month. I hope everyone was able to enjoy themselves and reconnect with loved ones.
Third, a big happy belated birthday to my niece! She got to go to NYC for the first time and custom-made an American Girl Doll. What a great way to celebrate your birthday!
UPDATE: Somehow I didn't register how close to Pixie's birthday it was, so a quick Happy Birthday to her as well!
Finally, while I know my mom doesn't like celebrating it, since I'm posting on her actual birthday, I can't just let it go unsaid. So, Happy Birthday, Mom! Hope you could take the time to relax and enjoy yourself.
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"TOTALLY not making a big deal, Mom" Image generated by Bitmoji |
Now, let's hope May is going to treat me a bit kinder. I really want to see you lovely folks again next week. Until then,
YAY!!! Welcome Back!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThis has been a crazy month all around. I haven't written a thing!! (Although I went through a ton in March, so...) I'm glad you're doing well, and are still hanging in there!
Same on my end as well. Here's to hoping May is a bit kinder to all of us.
DeleteAlso, I forgot to mention it, but apparently Blogger is cancelling the widget I use for email notifications, so if you stop getting them again in June, know it's NOT you this time! In the meantime, I guess I'll have to find a different widget. :P
So that comment I left on your previous entry was meant for this one... I... I literally have no idea what happened and how it glitched to end up on the previous one...
So yeah ahahahaha! Sorry for the confusion this might cause xD
LOL! I assumed something like that must have happened. Yay, Google-owned sites! (what a weird glitch!) Oh well. Still appreciate the love. :)