![]() Posts To Get You Started And Pump You Up |
50 Tips on How to Write Good - A comedic little starter. Good for a chuckle to get you in the right spirit, as well as a creative way to showcase some of the biggest writing blunders. |
Stress-Free Writing: How to Finish Your Essays and Projects Before Your Deadline - Really this is helpful to everyone because it's the same basic concept when doing any long-term goals. |
8 Signs That You Were Meant To Be A Writer - Have you ever doubted that writing was your niche? Fret not and read this post. Prove to yourself that this IS the right track for you. |
Tips for an Aspiring Fanfiction Writer - The title is pretty self-explanatory, but the tips included are very helpful and are also very valid for someone writing original works as well. |
Breaking in to Fanfiction - A simple 11-step list of what you should do to get your work out there, make it easy to find, and increase readership. I need to follow some of these tips! SPECIAL SHOUT OUT TO DARKANGEL1326 FOR SHOWING ME THIS SITE |
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![]() Tips On How To Get Motivated, Stay Motivated, And Get Those Words Out Of Your Head |
What Will You Write in 2013? Ten Mini-Resolutions to Get You Started - Obviously this works past 2013. These mini-resolutions are super simple, from Tweeting about your writing at least 2x a week, to using a writing prompt once a week, to simply calling yourself a writer. You can do wonders with these jumpstarters. |
Six Powerful Quotes to Get You Writing - Guest post on Aliventures. Six quotes (mostly from authors) that can really inspire you to write. They're each paired up with a little inspirational blurb and a simple mini-exercise to help motivate you. |
Six Inspiring Writing Quotes to Boost Your Creativity - Another Aliventures guest post by Barry Demp. Similar to the above Six Powerful Quotes, this post gives six more quotes with slightly more self-exploitative exercises after each one. |
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Stuck Behind That Dreaded Writer's Block?
7 Strategies to Outsmart Writer's Block - A more analytical approach to solving Writer's Block by breaking down 7 "core dilemmas", scientifically explaining why we're stuck, and then ways to break down that wall. |
The Pixar Touch: Pixar Story Rules - A list of 22 tips on how to write a compelling story; from writing prompts, to general plot rules of thumb, to insightful questions. |
Script Frenzy's Plot Machine - Located at the top of the page, take a spin of the Plot Machine for a goofy plot to play around with. Sometimes working on a silly story that will never go anywhere will spark ideas for that serious work you're stuck on. |
Archerastar: 200 Writing Prompts Challenge - A list of simple one- or two-word prompts. Pick a random prompt - or work your way through them all - and see where it takes you. |
Fan Fic 100 - Not simply for Fanfiction. Another LiveJournal list of simple one- or two-word prompts. Once again, pick a random prompt - or work your way through them all - and see where it takes you. |
![]() | Writing Exercises - An interesting random generator of writing exercises. It prompts you to do things from writing a limerick or haiku to writing a 100-word script treatment to free-writing your thoughts about a given topic. |
![]() | Blank Page Eliminator - Five paragraphs are already written with a basic premise of a story. A REALLY basic premise. The paragraphs walk you through developing the story/chapter. It's kind of fun. |
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Still need a bit more of a push?
![]() | Pantomime Pony's Generators - Some of the generators are provided above, but this whole site is just too good. Fantastic generators from "first lines" to "locations" to "Character Profiles". |
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![]() Advice On How To Improve Your Productivity And Writing Style |
What's in a Name? - A nice little list of advice when it comes to coming up with character names. Most can also apply to naming places. SPECIAL SHOUT OUT TO DARKANGEL1326 FOR SHOWING ME THIS SITE |
How to Avoid Mary Sues - Mary Sues are one-dimensional characters that a lot of novice writers accidentally create. Here's a good list of ways to avoid making the same mistake when creating your characters. |
Describing Your Character's Voice - Helpful links with tips on how to describe how your characters talk so your readers can hear them the same way you do. SPECIAL SHOUT OUT TO DARKANGEL1326 FOR SHOWING ME THIS SITE |
Body Language Cheat Sheet for Writers - A little different, this is actually a picture. Sorry if it's a touch too small for you to comfortably read. If you are on a Microsoft computer you can hold down the CTRL button while using the scroll-ball on your mouse to increase the size of your website to make it easier to read. I'm not sure how to adjust window zoom if you're on a MAC or use Linux. SPECIAL SHOUT OUT TO DARKANGEL1326 FOR SHOWING ME THIS SITE |
How I Went From Writing 2,000 Words a Day to 10,000 Words a Day - Pretty Self-Explanatory again. Tips on how a published author managed to increase her daily word count. Great for NaNo as well as anyone trying to punch through that novel or instruction book. |
550 Alternative Words for Said - Contrary to what your elementary English teacher may have told you, said is NOT dead. However, if you MUST switch it up, here are a ton of alternatives. SPECIAL SHOUT OUT TO DARKANGEL1326 FOR SHOWING ME THIS SITE |
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Interested in a career in production?
Nickelodeon Writing Program - An annual writing contest where the winner gets a year-long contract with Nickelodeon! SPECIAL SHOUT OUT TO CHIBISUNNIE FOR SHOWING ME THIS C0NTEST |
Disney/ABC Television Writing Program - An annual writing contest where the winner gets the opportunity to become a Disney/ABC Television Group employee! SPECIAL SHOUT OUT TO CHIBISUNNIE FOR SHOWING ME THIS C0NTEST |
NBC Early Career Program: Writers On The Verge - An opportunity for writers who are "almost there". Winning applicants MUST be able to attend multiple classes in Universal City, CA. SPECIAL SHOUT OUT TO CHIBISUNNIE FOR SHOWING ME THIS WRITING PROGRAM OPPORTUNITY |
WB Writers' Workshop - An annual writing contest where the top ten writers are given an opportunity to work first-hand with Warner Bros. executives and writers with the goal of getting the "interns" a permanent position. Participants MUST attend meetings on the WB lot in Los Angeles, CA. SPECIAL SHOUT OUT TO CHIBISUNNIE FOR SHOWING ME THIS C0NTEST |
Crafty TV Writing - Need some more help learning HOW to write that winning script? This site previews Alex Epstein's book "Thinking Inside The Box" by having specific segments of his chapters posted on this site. Chibi sent me the segment on spec spots specifically. A helpful read. SPECIAL SHOUT OUT TO CHIBISUNNIE FOR SHOWING ME THIS SITE |
Top 10 Things You Need to Know About Writing a TV Spec - A great read with ten simple rules that can help you get your script "just right". SPECIAL SHOUT OUT TO CHIBISUNNIE FOR SHOWING ME THIS SITE |
Ten Spec Writing Rules (And Why You Should Care) - Another great read with tons of advice on how to get your script "just right". A much more in-depth look than the above Top Ten list. SPECIAL SHOUT OUT TO CHIBISUNNIE FOR SHOWING ME THIS SITE |
Celtx Script Writing Program - Do you just need help with the actual formatting of the script? Try out this free software download. I use it every year for Script Frenzy and love it! |
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![]() Really awesome blogs about writing. I can't pick just one post; just read them all! |
Aliventures - Come on guys! I talk about this site and Ali Luke enough in my main blog for you to know what this site is about! I even have her blog linked on my main page. For those just using this reference page, Aliventures is filled with inspirational advice on how to write fiction, non-fiction, and blogs. |
Story Fix - This blog dives more in to helping with the actual structure of fictional writing. It's a great resource if you need help with things like character creation, plot, world building, dialogue, etc. Larry also has tips on how to "win" National Novel Writing Month. |
A Writer's Reference - A Tumblelog about writing by writers for writers. Submit your own works for critique, critique others, or just read advice from fellow authors. |
Writing is Rewriting - Again, I'm not good at the whole Tumblr blog thing, but from what I was able to find this writer has a lot of great advice. |
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Need Help Keeping Focused?
Write Or Die - This distraction deterrent app is available for your iPad, Mac, PC, or Linex. You can also try the free version online. You can set the "punishment" level as well as set how long you want to write distraction-free. If you stop writing for too long the "punishment" will start - as annoying sounds usually - and won't stop until you get back to writing! Great smack to get you back on track. A must for NaNo. |
Writer's Helpers: Write In Peace With These Distraction-Free Editors - Are you just distracted by all the buttons you can play around with in Word? Changing the font and the size? Shifting alignments? Creating graphics, tables, or charts? Perhaps even writing, deleting, re-writing, and then shifting everything around? This archive of distraction-free processors keeps it as simple as a notebook and pen. SPECIAL SHOUT OUT TO DARKANGEL1326 FOR SHOWING ME THIS SITE |
A Writer's Reference: ZenWriter - This free full-screen program is small enough to fit on a thumbdrive, allows printing straight from the program, auto-saves, and has tons of customizable features. SPECIAL SHOUT OUT TO DARKANGEL1326 FOR SHOWING ME THIS SITE AS WELL! She already downloaded ZenWriter and loves it! |
Welcome to my weird hybrid of diary, information center, and promotion hub. This blog is SUPPOSED to be focused on my writing (mostly fanfiction). I'll post updates on how my writing is going, and promote my latest projects. I do tend to also veer towards generic venting about my life, as well as talk about my latest obsession, be it a game or other piece of media. So, come hang out for a while, and get to know me a bit better. I'd love to have you here.
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