Well then. Seems Tuesday threw a LOT more at me than I was anticipating, and this blog post got kinda left on the wayside. I had most of it done, though, so I figured I'd just post late this week instead of skipping again. Because, well, come on. A blog post two weeks in a row!? It's amazing how much better I feel being able to do this. I truly missed being able to write ANYTHING, even if what I AM writing is basically just weekly journal entries. It's still a start, right?
Speaking of, NaNoWriMo starts on Sunday. Part of me wants to participate, but another part doesn't want to add any more stress to a year that has already been a lot for me with regards to my writing confidence. So I haven't officially signed up for it. We'll see what I decide by Saturday.
There are three options I'm batting around should I decide to do NaNo. Four if you add in the option to just bounce between them all and focus on both word count and writing ANYTHING instead of the traditional version of "50,000 words for ONE story".
Option 1: Try to work on One and the Same yet again. This story has been in the making for 2 years, and I've had so many people finish Peeping Tomcat only to ask me where to find OatS. I always feel a touch embarrassed when I have to respond with "Uh... I'm... still working on that one...." Just call me the George R. R. Martin of fanfiction at this point. I may get the next story out.... eventually.... in the meantime, let me assure you - while I have a bunch of other projects released in the meantime - that I'm totally working on that sequel I mentioned years ago.... I did vow at the beginning of the year that I'd get at least the first chapter of OatS published before the conclusion of 2020, but considering I've barely even LOOKED at this story all year, I don't know if I should still hold myself to that. After a 2+ year wait, I REALLY don't want to rush out something subpar. Nor do I want to publish the first chapter just to say I did so, and then have people waiting for who knows how long until I can get the rest of the story written and polished.
Option 2: I'll touch more on this later, but I was heavily inspired by the Miraculous Ladybug special that came out at the end of September. Well, to be more accurate, I was heavily inspired by the confusion and salt the fandom threw around after watching the special. I don't know if I just know how to get into the heads of the writers better than a lot of fans, but I understood where they were going with just about all of scenes, whereas a great many of the fandom seemed blindsided. Or they felt what happened was a bit contrived. Or a character seemed to be written poorly. Et cetera.
So my thought was to help the fandom see what I did with regards to why the writers made the decisions they did. In a manner similar to my story Prescription for Love, I want to write the scenes that were skipped because they weren't necessarily crucial for plot progression. I want to write scenes we were shown, but in a different character's perspective than the one we saw on screen. I want to further flesh out the events of the special. In part, because these side scenarios are bouncing around in my head anyway, but also to maybe help the fandom see what I did and appreciate the special more.
While I feel guilty taking on another big project instead of working on OatS (again), I also kind of want to get this story done sooner rather than later since it's specifically focused on canon, and I'm already a month out from the special's premiere.
Option 3: I had offered to help my mom out with something, and I have totally fallen off the horse on that. We talked about it, and we now have a new deadline of February to get it all sorted out, but I do hate holding up other people's projects like this. I've been in group projects where the rest of us are in limbo as we wait for someone to get their part of the project done. It sucks being those who are just on standby. So I may use November as a means to kick myself into gear for this project.
So, there we are. My three options for NaNo - should I decide to participate this week - as well as that fourth option of just bouncing between these projects wherever my inspiration takes me just to keep me moving forward.
Now, let's circle back to that ML special.
I absolutely adored it. The voice acting was a bit off - as in the VAs lost the tone they had established for these characters' voices, but the acting itself was spectacular - so that threw me, but after watching the special about a dozen times (thank you, DisneyNOW), I'm getting more and more used to it. I just hope the choice - either by the director or by Cristina Vee herself - to have Marinette deepen and mature her voice whenever she's Ladybug doesn't transition into the show. If they had made that choice at the start of the series it would be one thing, but after 3 seasons it seems weird for her to start that NOW when her voice hasn't been remotely close to a giveaway up until this point.
Maybe you could explain it away as "after the event of 'Chat Blanc' she's making sure Chat Noir doesn't figure out who she is" but she didn't deepen her voice in the episodes following, so it doesn't really work. You could also possibly argue that "she's now the Guardian and feels she needs to work harder to hide her identity" but if no one figured out her identity before why would she feel like it's in danger of being discovered now? Maaaaaybe because Chloe knows that most of the Miraculous holders are her classmates, and the guy that's now pseudo-dating Marinette??? I dunno, the girl that's pseudo-dating Adrien was also a holder, so maybe Chloe won't put two-and-two together?
Either way, I'm not a fan of the decision. I wouldn't mind if Bryce Papenbrook had decided to do something like that for Chat Noir because he already changes up his voice slightly between the two personas. It just feels weird to have Marinette randomly do it out of nowhere. Especially with how drastically different Cristina Vee goes with it. I think the issue I have the most with it is that she uses the same deeper and more mature voice she used for Nightmare Ladybug in the episode "Sandboy," and to have "evil" Ladybug's voice now be the real LB's vocal choice is just wrong to me.
Other than that, though, I LOVED this special. You can read my semi-live-blogging of the special here. Fair warning, there's spoilers as I react to the special.
As predicted though, as well as mentioned above, this ever-growingly-toxic fandom was all set to tear this special apart for every little thing. The largest victims being Adrien and Alya. This is where the idea for Option 2 above came from.
I mostly wanted to rewrite the Car Scene from Adrien's perspective, and possibly Alya's perspective as well. We see it via limited POV through Marinette's perspective, so I don't think there needs to be more there, but trying to understand Adrien and especially Alya during that scene seems to be both crucial and something that goes over a lot of fans' heads. In fact, the way Alya acted throughout the whole special I feel needs to be explained.
So many complained about how she's once again not being a good friend to Marinette - similar complaint as in the episode "Chameleon" - and since I had friends like Alya growing up, I feel like I understand her and her motivations. Are they healthy, intelligent, or helpful choices? No. Are they decisions a lot of teens her age would make because they don't have the maturity or perspective to understand why these decisions are bad? Hells yeah! Should writers abandon realism in telling a story in favor of "teaching" children better life choices? Maybe, but that's entirely up to the writers and what kind of story they're trying to tell. Is the story automatically bad because a writer decides to go with "realism because it adds better drama" instead of "teaching children so they are better prepared for the future"? No.
I could do a whole essay on this subject, but I won't get into it now.
So, yeah, I want to rewrite the Car Scene from these other character perspectives, along with what happened with Marinette and Adrien post-sewer scene, the Floating Scene, the flight from Paris to New York City, Alya's and/or Nino's POV during the museum attack, Alya and Marinette interacting post-attack on NYC, Adrien prepping for the trip to NYC, why Luka had to race a bus to drop Marinette off, possibly Adrien's trip back to Paris, and maybe a LadyNoir scene post-special when the two meet up again in Paris. There might be more there, but I'll have to go through the special again (woe is me) to decide if there's more scenes I want in this project.
I do already have some starter essays I wrote over on Tumblr to give me jumping off points for the narrative as a whole.
Again, these are heavily spoilerific essays, just FYI.
I guess that does mean that I HAVE written this past month. Specifically the final week of September, but still. Yay.
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I wasn't the only one that was inspired by the special, which I completely expected to happen. I still haven't finished that project from over a month ago where I was trying to compile my list of fanfic recommendations. Instead I started reading all of the NY special inspired stories. Now I have even more stories to add to my rec list....
Worth it.
I've also been reading something out-of-fandom. Honestly, I've been trying to avoid doing precisely that because it's hard enough for me to get back into writing if I stay within the fandom and allow it to help inspire me. I didn't want to try to switch gears to a new fandom and hope it doesn't throw me off track of what limited progress I've made this year.
However, Taurus Pixie recently started up a new story for the Hellsing fandom. I'm not really feeling Halloween-y this year - which SUCKS because it's a Saturday, it's a full moon, it's a blue moon, etc etc etc, and yet... meh? - so I was hoping a story based on a vampire-centric fandom might help with that. Really get me in the spoopy mood. Plus, Pixie got a lot of rude and entitled reviews on her latest ML chapter, which caused her to decide to pull away from writing anything for this increasingly toxic fandom. I knew she needed some love after that ordeal, so I wanted to get in on the ground floor of her newest story.
Honestly, I'm surprised it kept her this long to write something for Hellsing. This anime/manga's aesthetic is right up her alley. The story follows Seras as she tries to figure out the nuance and political environment of the vampire world without the aid of Alucard. I'm only 2 chapters in - a 3rd was posted on the 22nd, but I haven't had a moment to read it yet - and I'm already loving the world build. I don't think she's ever played any form of White Wolf's World of Darkness, or, specifically, the Vampire: The Masquerade game. And yet, that environment is more-or-less what she's building. It's great how multiple people just SENSE that idea of animalistic hierarchy and tension of turf wars happening within vampire culture. That structure of vampiric society seems as part of the myth as fangs, sunlight aversion, and hatred of garlic.
Anyway, if you want something dark, gritty, violent, and Halloween-y to read this week, why not give Pixie's story a go? Fair warning, being in the Hellsing fandom more-or-less means she has free rein with her writing so she has virtually every trigger warning slapped onto this thing. Like I said, this is violent and grotesque and dark and gritty as she focuses on Seras dealing with her own monstrous nature and surviving against other creatures that have all but fully submitted to their monstrous and feral nature. Also, it takes place post Hellsing Ultimate/the manga, so... spoilers as well.
Cast out by her master, Seras must try and make a new life for herself, despite knowing so little about the vampire way of life. But when a small coven takes her in, Seras finally begins to fully relise her true potential, falling more and more into the insanity of the vampire world. Meanwhile, Hellsing sends in Alucard to deal with this new and emerging threat...
Speaking of submitting to one's monstrous and feral nature, I've been playing Among Us, as I mentioned last week. This past Friday we actually managed to wrestle together enough people for there to be two impostors for a few games! That was exciting. Also, for whatever reason, this time *I* was the impostor seemingly more times than not. Man, I know most people prefer being the impostor and having the fun of sabotaging and killing without having to worry about working out who is the impostor. However, I am NOT one of those players. I HATE being the impostor. Yeah, it's fun, but it's also sooooo stressful. Trying to think of lies or alibis to keep the heat off of you? Trying to keep your tells in check so you don't give yourself away? I know I can't play with voice chat on because I giggle uncontrollably when I can't think of a way of talking myself out of suspicion. Trying to keep track of EVERYONE so you can get in a clean kill? Incidentally, I almost NEVER got a clean kill. Someone either spotted me or walked in RIGHT after the kill, and I couldn't think of a lie fast enough to self-report.
The only really clean kill I had was when I sat in the vent in Electrical on the Skeld map, because I knew SOMEONE had to have a task in there at some point. The second I saw someone alone I jumped out of the vent, killed, then hopped back in before anyone could be the wiser. I then travelled via vent for a bit so no one could pin me near the room.
Also, Hubby and I are those annoying players who like to pod-up so it's harder for the impostor to pick us off without the other(s) seeing it happen. More often than not we can't convince other players to join us in podding so we just partner up, but, if Ronoxym's Twitch stream from that night was any indication, it annoys the HECK out of the other players that they can't kill one of us without the other seeing because we're ALWAYS together. This playstyle is very helpful as a crewmate, but it's also suuuuuper difficult as an impostor.
If Hubby and I are ALWAYS together, but one of us is the impostor, it's sooooo hard to get a clean kill without the other seeing it. Which means splitting off from each other, but if we're ALWAYS attached at the hip then the fact that one of us wanders from the other can be a bit suspicious. Alternatively, it means that our spouse is the first to go so we're free to roam around solo. Which also means we go from "partnering keeps us safe" to "partnering potentially makes us the first victim" as well as people getting suspicious that one of us is running around without the other.
We're actually surprised THAT wasn't the main give-away: "Hey, found Zalic's body. Lyco didn't report, but she's still alive. Lyco seems sus." Or, alternatively, "Zalic's alive and didn't report a dead Lyco? Seems sus."
Nope. No one managed to put those pieces together. They would grumble about us being attached at the hip, but never had any red flags go up when we WEREN'T together.
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Hacker Girl Facebook sticker by Birdman, Inc. |
Although, now that I've pointed it out, looks like Hubby and I need to come up with a new strategy or we just gave ourselves away as impostors....
Anyway, for me at least, it's just so much easier when there's two impostors. Then I can focus on doing sabotages and hope O2 running out or the reactor melting down kills everyone for me, or at least thins people out enough for the other impostor to get in the kills.
We did recently got introduced to the Hide-and-Seek mod that people have been playing, and I'm all for playing in that mode! It's bound to be so much less stress to be the impostor when you don't have to worry about hiding it. It does seem a LOT more stressful to be the crewmates though....
Still excited to try it out!
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My glorious dork of a husband decided to go full-throttle, found a BUNCH of Adrien Agreste inspired shirts in the custom design kiosk, and even had my character send him the orange sneakers to finish the outfit. Wish the green eye color available was more emerald shading than jade, but it works.
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I found "Adrien" playing on the piano while visiting Hubby's island. |
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The truest of roleplaying: Lovesick Marinette and totally clueless Adrien. |
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Dream Address, in case you can't quite read the image, is DA-6983-1496-3456. Enjoy your stay. |
I know this is a strange year with strange circumstances, but I do hope everyone can enjoy their Halloween while still staying safe and healthy.
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Also also also also!!!!
Woo Hoo!!! I got notified that you made a post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHAHA. YAY! ^_^
DeleteOn BOTH accounts that I signed up with!!!!!
DeleteLOL, super yay! :D Miracles CAN happen in 2020!
DeleteKettle here once again to remind you not to beat yourself up over your writing. If NaMo sounds too stressful to deal with this year, maybe take a year off? To be honest, I don't think competition does much for inspiration - at least in my experience. It just adds a whole bunch of pressure on top of the already huge pile of pressure. Or maybe handle it more casually? Rather than setting a goal for yourself, just see how much you can write? I'm just spitballing here.
ReplyDeleteAnd don't feel bad about your Peeping Tomcat sequel. Like you said, I would rather that you posted something that you were happy with. I've posted chapters for the sake of posting before and I always end up regretting it. Sometimes ideas just take a while to mature and fine-tune themselves. There are some projects I have been working on for YEARS that have yet to see the light of day. We, your fans, can patiently wait until you produce something that you're happy with - and that you enjoy working on. This year has been shit, so it's no surprise that you've been struggling. If you ever need my help with anything, you know where I am! Your super talented! Never forget that!
I agree with a lot of your points on the New York special. Marinette's voice was pretty jarring. If the voice directors were going for a more mature angle, they should have introduced it slowly rather than it just suddenly randomly appearing. I feel like I'm the only person who didn't have a problem with Alya in the special? Am I missing something? I certainly can't wait to read your essays on all of this!
Hahahaha sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry! Thank you for the plug though! Even if that story is distracting for you lol sorry. I don't know whether it's a good or a bad thing that I have total and complete free reign with my violent imagination. But it's fun. Psychologists have a field day with me. I've always been the same. I was written violent stories as a kid and drawing some pretty horrific stuff. *laughs awkwardly*
I really need to look into those games since you keep mentioning them. Any similarities are completely unintentional. I think you're right in that there is so much about the vampire world in most medias that are just automatically accepted as 'canon' if you will.
The whole Miraculous Animal Crossing get-up looks awesome! I haven't really had much chance to play with everything I've got going on. You and your husband look so cute!
I hope that the writing gods will be kind to you, my friend! Take care!
Hey, Kettle! Yeah, part of me is like “NaNoWriMo could be my motivator to write, much like the Christmas exchange or Valentine exchange. A deadline is a great driving force. At the same time, though, maybe it IS too much stress? I might do a “NaNoWriMo but not really because I didn't officially sign up on the site” sort of thing, that way I don't feel as “committed” and won't feel as guilty because people can't see my lack of progress....
DeleteI will forever and always feel guilty about how long it is taking me to get OatS sorted out, but I do appreciate the sentiment. I also appreciate the apparently never-ending patience of my readers. Finally, I greatly appreciate the kind words. Thank you for being a cheerleader.
The big problems with Alya that I've seen focuses on: her mocking Marinette for trying to get over Adrien, trying to strong-arm a confession out of Marinette (because that went SOOOO well in Puppeteer 2... not that Alya knows about that...), completely ignoring that Adrien and Kagami are already dating (there's... a lot to unpack with that one with regards to ARE THEY really a thing and how many of his friends know this), not letting Lukanette just be a thing already (RIP Luka), agreeing to a convoluted plan that my or may not have included an actual supervillain (although it was pretty clear that Jess and Aeon planned on keeping Adrienette completely safe), yelling at Marinette and “sending her” after Adrien's car during a city wide lockdown (and not even wondering where she was or why she had been wandering in the rain), and finally, “going back” to “episode Alya” at the end of the special, waving off Marinette's concern about how things ended with Adrien the last she saw him and instead telling her that it could be sorted out later (after an entire special of Alya basically saying “sort it out NOW!”). There's... a LOT to unpack.
It boils down to “Alya wasn't a good friend. She mocked Marinette trying to get over Adrien instead of helping her. She tried to force two people into romantic situations. She completely ignored how Kagami and/or Luka would feel if Adrien and Marinette DID get together on the trip. She put Marinette's life in danger at least twice by willingly having her isolated during a supervillain attack. She didn't seem to care about Marinette's physical and/or emotional well-being the whole trip. She then ignored Marinette's concern about how things were left between Adrienette, suddenly now believing in living in the now, taking things slow, and letting events evolve naturally.”
While I agree the girl made poor choices, I also believe the choices she did make were well-intentioned, showcased how much Alya IS a good friend, and were realistic choices given THE GIRL IS FOURTEEN!
Aaaand my Alya rant ran long, and my full response was too large to post. So, to continue where I left off (flashbacks to FFN messages!):
DeleteWow! That's... that's a lot of sorrys. No big deal at all. Promise. I'm enjoying the dark journey. I used to be a gory horror writer myself in my youth. Spent a week asking people if they knew what would happen to your eyeballs when you burn to death (Google wasn't really as big of a thing back there, so I had to hit the streets for my research XD ). I even had a teacher pull me aside to make sure I was alright considering how dark my stories were. A lot of them included revenge on the bullying popular kids, so I get the concern.... I more-or-less stopped writing the darker stories post-high school though, so maybe there WAS something I needed to work out....
The World of Darkness games are fun, as long as you have a good playgroup. That's true of all RPGs though. The game world is soooooo lore heavy. I once got lost on Wikipedia trying to absorb it all. There's 4hrs I'll never get back.... While I am a bit salty that the one clan – Ravnos – are no longer exclusively nomadic tricksters, and are all but killed off in the latest lore, I am also very proud that the creators – White Wolf – realized how racist they were making their “gypsy clan” (even so far as CALLING them gypsies) and made sure to retcon that shit once concerns were raised. If you like RPGs at all, I would definitely suggest checking them out. If you're not the biggest fan of RPGs, I'd at least suggest reading through some of their lore.
I am bummed that Tuesday got away from me and I didn't even have a moment to see if we could still do our Halloween run through each other's islands as we had planned. However, thank you for the praise for Hubby's and my cosplay. Just wish I could find a good way (or a good custom design) to transform into Ladybug. Hubby looks so cute as Chat Noir though. ^_^
May the Muses continue to nurse your story (but, maybe send them my way once you're done? ;) ) Take care, and Happy Halloween!