Oh, hey, guys. How's everyone doing?
Weird, right? Having a blog post up. It's... it's been a couple weeks, huh? I'm back to having a Tuesday off, hence me working on this blog again. Hooray!
Aaaand then I'm working next Tuesday so I can have the following weekend off for my wedding anniversary so.... See you guys again in October???
My coworker says her daughter's wedding was gorgeous and went wonderfully, so yay. Also, congrats to both newly wedded daughters to both of my coworkers. My other coworker's been grumbly about not getting to eat solid foods while recovering from her oral surgery, but she had a check-in yesterday, so hopefully everything healed properly and she's back to normal.
Which means, after next week, where, as I mentioned, I'm taking a few days off so Hubby and I can just have a day to snuggle for our anniversary, I should FINALLY be back to a normal schedule of having Tuesdays and a random second day off per week.
At least, until late November/early December where I may or may not be taking time off to at least see my mom and sister for Thanksgiving. If nothing else, I'll be taking time off for Hubby's birthday.
Plus, both the coworker whose daughter just got married this weekend and myself still have over 100hrs of PTO to chew through, so who knows if there will be more sprinklings of "just taking it for mental health reasons" days. We both feel guilty about ever taking the time off though, because that means the other two workers don't get days off that week. So, who knows?
I feel like I'll be sprinkling more random vacation time in next year though....
OH! And also I want to sneak in a quick congratulations to Dragnime who just got engaged this past week! So happy for you two.
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I think that's all the extra housecleaning I had to do this week. So let's get into some writing updates for this supposedly writing-centric blog, huh?
First and foremost: there is none.
I've been super tempted lately. I've had scenes and mini-plots bouncing in my head. I just haven't had the time or energy to get them OUT of my head.
But I was tempted.
Ronoxym and ChibiSunnie had their birthdays this weekend - Happy Belated to both of you - and I figured "now's the time to break out of my funk! Write stories for them so you can still gift them something without physically delivering or mailing it."
Buuut then I remembered that my story gift for Ron kept me a MONTH to figure out last year, and I had no clue what to do for this one. Try to continue the story? Start from scratch with a completely different concept? Try to find something fanfic wise that he'd appreciate? I was at a loss.
Chibi, however, I had just talked about some fun headcanons with regards to Fruits Basket. Mostly, it was images I hoped the creator Natsuki Takaya would eventually do, or fanart people would make. Things like
Anyway, as I mentioned, these were just scenes. I could do something quick though, right? Even a little drabble would be a surprise to Chibi, and I know she'd cherish it because I gifted something specifically for her, but also because it would be the first bit of narrative writing I've done since the pandemic hit. Considering how much support and encouragement she's given me over the years, but specifically through this one, and considering how much time and effort she puts into ALWAYS making me a Christmas and birthday card each year, I thought it would be a fitting honor to FINALLY get out of my writing funk by creating a story for her birthday.
Alas. It was not meant to be. The week FLEW by (but also dragged on?) and before I knew it, her birthday had arrived and I had nothing to show for it. I debated writing something anyway and still posting it during the weekend of her birthday, but I still ran dry. All of those scenes I stated in that spoiler box above? Like I said, they would be great artwork; freezeframes of these sweet moments. Pictures that didn't need words or even actions to fully capture the essence of the scene.
That, and, while I enjoy the stories, and mangas in general are a fairly quick re-read, I still haven't really read either Fruits Basket or Fruits Basket Another more than once - aside from a couple of Furuba books - so I don't feel confident that I know the characters of Komaki or Hajime well enough to properly keep in-character and get the scenes right. Not without research - i.e. rereads - and not only did I not have the time for it, but also my mangas are kind of buried in the back of a cluttered room right now. So I REALLY don't have the free time to get any of those stories done in a reasonable amount of time.
However, as I mentioned, it DID keep me a month to gift Ron his story for his 30th, so there MIIIIIGHT be hope for me to still become inspired and get something written for Chibi. Plus, there's always the original fandom that brought us together. I just haven't touched anything "Hey, Arnold!" related in so long. I KNOW I'm rusty in their characterizations....
Instead of getting ahead of the game and doing the research I needed to write gifts for my friends, I spent the week on a completely different project that I've been meaning to do for over a month now.
WAAAAAAAAAY back during the week of August 17, the Miraculous Ladybug fandom decided to host a Positivity Week: a week for the fandom to shut down all of the salt and hate and venom flowing through the fandom, and get back to the uplifting positivity it originally had. During this week, people posted what they liked and appreciated about the show. They shared posts explaining the good qualities different characters had. They supported the creators. They supported fandom creators as well by sharing fics, artwork, gif-sets, videos, etc. Most importantly, there were fanfic and fic writer recommendation lists.
I was actually on one of those lists!
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One of the big reasons I kept falling into my writing funks after joining Tumblr was because I'd CONSTANTLY see fic recommendation lists, and I was NEVER on any of them. And it wasn't like I was simply seeing the same stories over and over again. Sure, there's some stories that just about the whole fandom seems to know about and would suggest, but more often than not the lists were all different. A large variety of stories were getting love and recognition.
But I would never be included.
Until August 22.
I was... I was dumbfounded. This time period was probably one of my deepest bouts with imposter syndrome and there it was: my name on a rec list. Not only that, on a FAVORITE STORY list! Right above one of the fandom's favorite stories: Under Lock and Key.
I feel so guilty that I haven't acknowledged this honor anywhere yet. And for the dumbest reason too, although, I also feel the most justified with this reason???
So, along with the writing funk, I have been staying off Tumblr because I just don't have the free time or mental energy to go through my active dash. Also, as already stated, Tumblr does, on occasion, hurt my mental health because it is one of my main sources of imposter syndrome. That's mostly due to the aforementioned lack of ever appearing in anyone's recommendations or lack of likes/reblogs on my story shares. Also, because my dash would be flooded with new stories, and I would feel worse about not writing anything myself.
This is why, for months on end, I would only log onto Tumblr long enough to check my notifications, see if I had any messages or asks, and then hop back off without ever really looking at my dash. When chicoriii mentioned me in her rec list, I was still at that point of avoiding Tumblr to make sure it didn't spiral me further. So it was especially surprising and emotional for me to see that I had actually made someone's recommended fic list!
But to get to my reason about not instantly acknowledging how honored and humbled I felt. See, since I was avoiding Tumblr, I only knew of Positivity Week within the fandom in vague passing - usually something stated in the top post of my dash when I first log in - and so I hadn't participated in it. I felt guilty jumping in on the last day of it simply to gush at how honored I felt to have been included.
I mean, that was the point of the fan event, right? To lift up the creators and fellow fandom members while also bringing back a positive view of the show itself? So, to gush about how happy it made me to have been on her list would have been a pretty perfect way of closing out the week. At the time, though? Nope. I NEEDED to add to Positive Week if I were to acknowledge the honor of being on chicoriii's list.
So I decided I would thank chi while also lifting up other works of fiction. Then I quickly realized how many stories I loved, and that either the list would be a bit massive or I'd leave out some gemstones. That was when I decided my new project: write up a Tumblr post of my ML fanfic recs, and then link to it when I acknowledge chi's list.
This was a mistake.
Sure, there were the big ones that I could think of right away - usually involving EdenDaphne in some shape or form - but that list was largely stories I know are already fairly big in the fandom because they have some of the highest hit/kudos/comment counts. Not that any of that means I SHOULDN'T recommend them, because I 100% am going to still. No, instead, and especially because of how I was feeling, I wanted to make sure to also promote stories I feel aren't getting nearly enough love. To make sure I didn't miss any, I started going through my bookmarked and favorited stories on AO3 and FFN.
I... forgot how much ML fanfiction I've actually read over the years. I did not read nearly as much HA fanfiction....
I have 42 bookmarked ML fics on AO3 alone, and I was trash at actually writing anything in my bookmark notes, so I knew I enjoyed the stories enough to want to save them, but I couldn't really remember what each of them were about per se, or why I enjoyed them specifically.
Sooooo that's what I wanted to do next: re-read, or at least skim, these saved fics to remind myself why I enjoyed them so I could better recommend them to others. Buuuut, I also had work pretty much non-stop for over a month, so I just didn't have the energy.
This week I finally did. All of my main work at my job was taken care of, and all I really had left was optional busy work. On a particularly slow day I decided it was time to finally start up this project. I figured I could get it done in the one shift.
I was wrong.
It's been over a week now, and I STILL have stories to read back through. I've been updating my bookmarks as I go so that next time I know exactly why I loved that particular story and what I felt was unique about it. I've also started writing recaps of what happened in the last chapter of on-going works, because I always seem to forget by the time they're updated. Sure, it means re-reading the previous chapter first to remind myself what happened, and I'm sure the authors appreciate the extra reads, but it also means I have to calculate reading TWO chapters whenever ONE updates, which usually results in a delay before finding time to read. This way, hopefully I can read the updates a lot sooner.
Sorry, getting off topic. Point is, I've been re-reading a LOT of fics lately, and it's giving me lots of feels. It's been really uplifting and reminding me a lot about why I love this show and the friendly bits of this fandom community. Also, while I'm still not quite ready to write anything myself yet, it HAS been helping grease those mental gears so I'm good to go once I'm back to a more normal work and social schedule.
Also also... I know how I'm going to be spending my next day off on Friday:
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Official promo poster |
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Frozen starts at 6:10 Miraculous Ladybug starts at 8:00 |
The creator of Miraculous Ladybug Thomas Astruc had stated in past interviews that he initially had a whole expanded world planned with more miraculous bearers and other superheroes. He teased that back in season 1 when Alya gushed about her favorite comic book hero Majestia that Majestia was a real American superhero. Then, there was a comic book run where Ladybug and Chat Noir went to the United States and met Majestia.
This New York special seems to have been inspired by that comic run. Or that both this special and the comic books were both inspired off of Astruc's original world builds for the Miraculous universe.
Either way, I'm excited.
Also also also, to lead up to this hour-long special, Disney Channel will be having a season 3 marathon. True, I can watch them all I want on Netflix, and the airing order on the channel isn't any better than the scrambled mess Netflix has, but still....
I'm hoping re-watching this past season after such a long hiatus, as well as getting some new content to tide the fandom over until the next season arrives in 2021, will help respark my desire to write.
Because I miss it, you guys. I HURT not being able to write for so long! Especially this year when March feels like a decade ago.
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Tanuki Facebook sticker by Yanare Ku |
Here's to hoping I can get back into the swing of things finally. Here's to Chibi and Ron and their birthdays. Here's to my coworkers' daughters and their new marriages. Here's to chi and her ability to make me cry simply by enjoying my work and wanting to share it with others. Finally, here's to you, dear reader, for staying by me when I've had virtually nothing to say this whole year.
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Catch everyone in October!
*hugs* repeat after me: you are NOT an imposter! Is Jane Austen less of a writer than Nora Robert's because one has published so much more than the other? Why would it be the same with you and another fan fic writer? Your lives, your experiences have not been the same, why would how much content you an produce?
ReplyDeleteIm never going to make any most recommended list. And that's fine. I dont write what the majority of the fandom wants to read. And that's perfectly OK. To me what matters is if I can make a few people smile/cry/yell epithets at me... depending upon the mood I am trying to create. As long as I have that...
Seriously though, Love you, and I'm glad all is well with you. Take care of yourself, and dont stress about writing. It's supposed to be fun. If it isnt fun... dont do it.
*hugs back* I know. I know you are right. I know that I should follow the advice I constantly read/hear: write for yourself and your audience will find you. I even GIVE that advice to others. So I know it to be true, and I know I should be kinder to myself.
DeleteStill, I then see other works getting more love than mine; shared more, liked more, commented on more, getting fanart, having comments that gush at how it personally affected someone, etc. I see that. I know it is well deserved for these other works. But then I look at mine and wonder "am I not as good as I thought I was? I don't really know where to improve and no one is telling me, so am I just stuck in the mediocre muck?"
And that, I think, is the true rub for me. I've had SUPER supportive parents and friends. I've been amazingly lucky in that regard, but the double-edged sword of it is that now I don't trust positive reviews??? Like, I wonder if maybe people are just coddling me or patronizing me because all I hear is how great of a writer I am... and yet... I'm stuck in obscurity.
And then I have fantastic people like you and TaurusPixie and TLOS21 who are my friends now, but you started as readers who genuinely enjoyed my work, so I should believe you, right? Like, you were all strangers who just enjoyed what I was doing. But now that you're my friends I retroactively disbelieve your kind comments??? >_> Minds are weird and cruel and I just need to keep reminding myself that my mind is being stupid and silly.
So, thank you for your kind words yet again and continuous support. <3
You're right. I read all of your stuff and commented and started talking to you because in reality I hate all your works, and felt bad. *rolls eyes so hard it hurts*
ReplyDeleteNow that we've got that ridiculousness out of the way... It's completely natural to compare yourself to others. We all do it. There's always someone bigger and better. Someone with a larger following. Someone with more reblogs or kudos or comments. We all suffer from that from time to time. It's not a bad thing if it pushes you to be better. It IS a bad thing if it pushes you away from something you enjoy.
I'm gonna PM you a story, that I think might help.
I can't reply with an image, so picture me just glomping you. <3 Thank you for the support and kind words. Always.
Delete(also, my blog shouldn't still hate you. I was just hit HARD with sex bots over the lock down so I switched over to all comments needing approval before posting. I approved this and deleted the duplicates. Sorry to make you type it up 3x)
I remembered to copy after the first time. It still doesn't tell me you posted though... this time after submitting it told me your blog couldnt be found...
Delete*glomps right back*
Congratulations on your Tumblr mention/recommendation! And you are NOT an imposter! This is Kettle here speaking to remind you that your work is amazing and some of the best stuff I have ever read! You're super talented, and I will do everything I can to share your work and help get you the love that you deserve! You have one huge fan right here! I totally agree with Charlotte. Comparing yourself to others is never a good thing. It leads into a downward spiral of misery. But I'm always here if you ever need to talk or vent about anything at all. *all the hugs and love*
ReplyDelete*BIG OL' HUG*
DeleteThanks for the congrats. ^_^ I guess this will be my equivalent exchange, as it were; I will forever remind people that they are loved and are not a burden, and they will in turn remind me that I'm actually a good writer and not an imposter. <3 Still, especially when I feel like the majority of my writing is just a really good parroting skill, it's hard to shake that feeling on occasion. I guess I just haven't found a way to use my skill of mimicking someone else's writing in a way that I DON'T feel like an imposter, but I'll get there. Thanks for the support in the meantime though.
Also, this is the part where I feel like I've guilt tripped my friends/fans into promoting me. Seriously, I see you already doing so on your blog and I don't ever want people to feel obligated to do so at all, let alone on other platforms than where they might already be doing it. I appreciate what you've done, and the love you and so many of my supporters and fans already show me. I just get whiney now and again. Please do NOT feel obligated to do more than you already do.
Thanks again to you and to everyone else for all the love and support. *Bear Hug!*