Wednesday, March 19, 2025

LycoRogue's Reading Corner: March

Est. Read Time: 42min
This Month's Font: Pangolin

Welp. There goes my goal to get this posted on the 15th.... Again....

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I thought I really had it this month, too. I didn't have terribly too much to say. I got started about a week ahead of time. I was keeping a good writing pace. Then, just like last time, I tripped at the finish line.

I just couldn't find free time to work on my writing for more than a few minutes each go. I'd get a paragraph or two done, then get interrupted. Then a few more. Then another interruption. Then I'd work on editing a few lines of HTML to help format this post. Then interrupted yet again.

Rinse and repeat.

It probably doesn't help that yesterday was my first "true" day off in nearly a month. My coworker went on yet ANOTHER two-week-long vacation to Disney (and she has at least two more trips already lined up before autumn). After working sixteen days straight, my first day off (a Friday) was spent driving across state lines to visit my family. My husband proceeded to get my mom addicted to the Karate Kid spin-off show Cobra Kai, and we largely binge-watched that whenever I wasn't visiting people around my hometown. I also celebrated my godson's birthday, and then celebrated my sister's birthday. My sister, myself, and our husbands all collectively annoyed my mom as we played an exceptionally long game of Phase 10. Then we binged more Cobra Kai. I did multiple loads of laundry (we were in desperate need; Mom offered her laundry room; it saved me laundromat money). Then, that Monday, I drove back home. 

It was nice to have some downtime (and I did use SOME of it to do at least one major chore), but I didn't really have ME time to work on writing/my blog. I even muted my writing group Discord server because I didn't have time to really read through it. I was also away from home, so it wasn't like I could use my four days off to catch up on chores there. It was nice to visit my family, but the four days I was there didn't really feel like "days off" per se.

Then it was back to work for seven days to get us back onto our normal work schedule routine.

I was at work 23 out of the last 28 days. Normally, there's enough downtime at work for me to poke around a bit and write. Having SO MUCH time at work made me think I could easily chip away at this update, but, sadly, that was not the case. I mean bully for us that the store was busy, but, it was kind of a chaotic busy. And six of those 23 days were with my vacation-crazed coworker.... who LOVES to talk during our downtime. So, trying to concentrate on ANYTHING at work is a bit of a chore on days my manager or I have to work with her.....

Having to work with her the 12th thru 14th is largely why I had that trip at the finish line....

That doesn't matter, though! Because this post is up now! Slightly off of "mid-month", but still LARGELY a mid-month update (it's posted before the 20th; it counts). Either way, I still have a LycoRogue's Reading Corner update in March. So.... WIN! Which means I'm both three-for-three AND fully successful within Q1 of 2025 to have these updates live (around) mid-month! Go me! I consider that quite the win. The fact that I've been keeping up with reading (almost) each night before going to sleep is also a win. I'm definitely in a bit of an upswing! Woohoo!

That said, I think I've more-or-less met my max number of stories to rotate through at any given time. You see, I've - surprisingly - only added one new story to my rotation this past month. On the flipside, though, I'm also just weeks away from concluding others. Seems like a good time to recap some of those stories then, eh?

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There continues to be no updates on any of Zenmisery's stories. Again, no shade. I get that other things in life have likely taken priority. I'm also still actively avoiding the Miraculous Ladybug fandom, since episode 1 of season 6 STILL hasn't even gotten an air date! So, no fanfiction for me. Which is fine, because I do still have my 17+ stories on WEBTOON that I've been keeping up with.

Oh! Yeah! It's up to at least 17 stories now. Tis March, which means I have finally put Maybe Meant to Be back into rotation! That now makes my current reading list look like this (organized by Daily Unlocks first, and then by update day):

There are still a handful of stories that I didn't include on that list. First of all, I didn't include either Lore Olympus or Mythic Item Obtained, both of which I need to get back into, but I haven't quite yet. Then there's the Avatar: The Last Airbender comic, which I've only poked at a few times. Finally, I have put my read of The Prince's Private Servant on pause. The creator FranX6's updates are just way too short. While they are relatively frequent, it still really chops up the flow of the story and doesn't make the series terribly enjoyable to read. I didn't really have this problem as I read the first season because, by the time I got to the series, all of the episodes had been released for season 1, and I could just binge-read. I mean, it was still a BIT of a problem to have things cut up in such small bites, but you only had to wait a couple seconds as you advanced to the next episode; not days. So, I'll probably wait until season 2 is complete, and then binge again.

I've also shied away from the Comikey app for more reading content. I don't know why. I just get this mental block whenever I go to open that app. For some reason, it just feels like more work to use Comikey?????

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How about some quick (for me) spoiler-free recaps of how each story has progressed and my current thoughts on them?

I Abdicate My Title of Empress

I am 82 episodes in. The series just concluded this month. There are 94 episodes within the official story, but an epilogue episode dropped last week. There may be others. Marry My Husband had 10 spin-off (epilogue) episodes after the conclusion of the main story. My main non-spoiler thoughts of the series 87% of the way through are:
  • Emperor Karl becomes more delusional and unhinged and clearly has NO point of reference for what love actually is
  • His mistress Diane is irredeemable, but she's starting to try her hardest to at least gain sympathy points from us readers
  • Diane's older brother Lennox is a Grade-A idiot
  • Karl's uncle Duke Despone is more power-hungry than I imagined. I don't personally see the appeal in ruling over an empire (puppet-mastering Karl) if there are no citizens alive to rule over, but... sure....
  • Karl's older half-sister Duchess Elisabeta Grande and Lionel's older brother Duke Theseus Baldur are both precious and badass and amazing allies and I want them to have their happily ever after!
  • Adel continues to be her badass self. She is how you write a character who is capable of anything she puts her mind to but still has hardships weighing on her (without making the character seem like a Mary Sue). Basically, she's like those employees who know how to run the business better than their bosses, but their hands are frustratingly tied by their lack of authority.
  • Lionel just personifies Precious Loyal Puppy. He is PERFECT for Adel. He lifts her up. He comforts her. He's strong enough to take point if something is too much for her. He cares nothing about his honor but will die for Adel's. He will do anything to stay by her side, except go against her wishes.

Divorcing My Tyrant Husband

I am currently 76 episodes into a concluded 103-episode series. Basically 2/3rds of the way through. There are 3 seasons. The first is from episodes 1 thru 55. Second season is 56 thru 77 (I can unlock the season 2 finale tonight). The final season is episode 78 thru 103.

Starting with season 2, the artwork changed. It's not clear why. The creators didn't leave any author's notes to explain the art shift. There doesn't seem to be a new illustrator. It's definitely a noticeable shift though, and none of us (me & the people leaving comments) really think the change is for the better. What do you guys think?
Photos taken of panels from episode 1 vs episodes 62 and 63
from Divorcing My Tyrant Husband 
I fear the artwork change might be because the weekly upload schedule might have gotten too much for the artist. They needed to simplify the art so they didn't take up as much time drawing each panel, maybe? It would also explain why each update also feels shorter than they were in season 1.

Regardless of the reason for the art shift, the story is still decent. I should probably track down the original webnovel by Oh Youn Ha to see how the adaptation compares. For me, the main draw of this story is seeing Emperor Alexandros taking two steps forward and one step back with regards to his relationship with Robellia.

He notices when she is hurting, and genuinely wishes to do whatever he can to ease her pain and comfort her. He even successfully does so a few times. However, whenever Robellia still rejects him and asks for a divorce* he becomes possessive, finding new ways to trap her in the marriage. He doesn't hide his jealousy, constantly growling about Robellia spending time with Caleb - one of the slaves she rescued - despite Robellia constantly reminding Alexandros that she thinks of Caleb as a younger brother. When not getting jealous over Caleb, he's grumbling about Robellia spending time with Duke Norman Schwarzkov (although Alexandros didn't seem at all put-out that Norman was one of Aisha's closest allies originally, and spent a great deal of time with her).

Also, it was revealed - in one of the more recent episodes that I've read - that Alexandros has a bit of a chip on his shoulder because his mother was the previous emperor's 17th consort. Both Alexandros and his mother were largely neglected by his father, and his mother died alone to disease. Just as the original novel version of Robellia had. Not the BEST look for us readers to find out that, in the original novel's narrative, Alexandros did the same exact thing to his wife that his father did to his mother.... oof.

*Robellia no longer seems to fear dying of disease the way the original novel version did, but she still wants that divorce. Mainly because her new goal is to simply find a quiet place out in the country to live a humble, peaceful life.

It feels pretty clear, based on "screen time", as it were, that Robellia and Alexandros are meant to reconcile and truly fall in love before the end of the story, but it still feels like a rough road for that to be convincingly achieved in the back third of this series. Especially when there are at least two other suitors vying for Robellia's affections (yes, that would be Norman and Caleb.... doesn't justify Alexandros' jealousy, though). We'll see how the remaining 27 episodes play out. Then, mid-April, I'll have to find a replacement for this story.

You Can't Kill Me: The Secret Bride of the Black Wolf

This series is still relatively new. It just started up its second season with 50 episodes total released. I'm only up to episode 32. There's so much story to tell, and I am so dug in. Whether or not Hwita and Yuta are actually the same person is still a mystery to me. Each time there seems to be evidence to confirm that they are indeed twins there's a new episode with evidence that again suggests that they are two souls within the same body. Yeonwu is also starting to spiral a little, unsure who she can trust. Understandable, given her trauma. We also get to see someone's guardian animal take over, forcing them to fully transform into their animal form. So... that was neat. Felt vaguely Fruits Basket.

Not much more to say quite yet. The artwork is still gorgeous. I am rooting for Yeonwu and Hwita to be open and honest with each other and live a happy life together. I'm curious as to how much Yuta truly knows (he implied recently that he knows of Yeonwu's past lives). Two updates ago, Yeonwu full on decked someone, and I'm itching to see how much more this woman can kick some ass. The story has me locked in and excitedly awaiting 9pm every Sunday. 

A Savage Proposal

Another new series. There's only 26 episodes in total released, and I'm 20 episodes in as of this past Sunday. Much like with You Can't Kill Me, that means I don't have much story to talk about yet without including spoilers. I do still enjoy the dynamic between Princess Liene and Lord Tiwakan*. Both the readers and Liene are still questioning his motives, but he at least SEEMS to genuinely care for her. There's some hot-and-heavy moments between the two of them, but he either pulls away first - unsure if it's what she truly wants - or he'll comply without complaint when she pulls away (consent is key, kiddos!). He'll even do wellness checks to make sure she's OK or ask if he did something that caused her to be uncomfortable. He'll still put on some bravado and act as if he's this Alpha Male she'll be forced to submit to, but he does it in a way that actually feels more like flirting? Especially considering how quickly he submits to Liene instead. (The man literally sprints to wherever she is when she requests an audience with him, so.... there's that....)

We're a little over a week away - story wise - from Liene and Lord Tiwakan officially getting married. I'm excited to see how much closer they grow within those 10 days, and how much more her own people plot against her!

*OK, it does bug me that we STILL don't know what the dang lord's given name is! Again, since his army is referred to as "The Tiwakan Army" or "Tiwakan Barbarians", I doubt his given name is "Tiwakan". That is most likely his tribe/family name. He's only ever referred to, though, as either "Lord Tiwakan" or "My Lord" sooooooo....

At Your Mercy

This one is still a bit rough. Another relatively-new story, only 29 episodes are available and the 21st just unlocked for free-reading Sunday night. Ji-an, while possessing Delinda, is still desperate to convince people she's not "a fool" (read: neurodivergent) anymore. She's a quick study, but is struggling to get the word out among the nobility that she is now literate and capable of learning about the history and culture and finances, etc of the realm. In the free episode unlocked last week, some noble ladies at a tea party heard about Delinda getting injured. They instantly mocked that she must be disabled now and therefore even MORE of a burden on her poor father. Truly disgusting behavior. At least this time it was presented as petty, disgusting behavior. But also, it was presented as appalling and petty not because being injured or disabled doesn't automatically make you a burden on your family, but instead the behavior was uncouth because it was vastly incorrect. Delinda has been "cured", actually!

*sigh and painfully exaggerated eye roll*

There's also Prince Iskan. He was the highlight of this story. The shining beacon. The redeeming quality that kept me reading. That is, until Ji-an (as Delinda) remembers more of her first transmigration into Ruyan via a dream. In this memory, we see a young (as in, maaaaybe 10?), neglected Iskan (although, Ji-an can't recognize the kid as Iskan, for some reason.... Again, are we sure DELINDA is the fool?). Ruyan, who is an older teen/young adult, is the first and only person to show young Iskan kindness. It's clear why he fell for her, but also... that age difference! Ooof! After Delinda dreams of young Iskan, we cut to current Iskan. He's reflecting on the similarities between Delinda and Ruyan. There is no longer a doubt in his mind that she is the same soul (which is correct). It still feels so sweet and loving when he thinks things such as "No matter what form you take, I will recognize you instantly," and "You were the one who filled my entire life with light," and "In my lonely, weary life... you were the only one who made me feel alive." BUUUUUUT then we also get lines like "...Ruyan. You always wanted to run away from me," and "...if your memories return and you attempt to leave me again... I'll only make you suffer."

Like, COME ON! Did the author really need to give him such large red flags? I LIKED him!

So, I'm back to wondering if this story is worth continuing my read through....

Not Your Typical Reincarnation Story

Friends!!!! We are so close to this one finishing! I'm 85 episodes in. There's 95 available. The story isn't concluded yet, but it HAS to be close. So many plot threads are tying up. The Author has been revealed. The final condition for Edith to unlock has been revealed. There were three episodes recently unlocked for free-reading that gave the backstory of the villainous author, how they came to be in charge of the story, how the conditions came to be set, what happened with the previous Edith possessions, and who was truly responsible for the attacks against the Edith we, the readers, know and love.

Gang, I want to gush about this series sooooo much! The artwork continues to be gorgeous. The story is moving and exciting and makes me want to keep proverbially turning the page. Killian's character arc from being disgusted by Edith to being a devoted and loving husband is just peak. Edith being able to outsmart the Author and the plot system effortlessly, simply by being her self, is absolute goals. I can see myself binge-reading this series as much as possible before it gets locked behind Daily Pass unlocks. Even so, this series may be what convinces me to just put money towards the app so I can outright buy it.

If it ever gets a physical publication I will definitely be picking that up!

Seabird and the Wolf

Such a good series. Still relatively new, yet again. There's a total of 38 episodes so far, and I'm up to 26. I will tell you, though, a lot happens in those 26 episodes! The world-build is really cool for this series. Especially with all of the maritime lore that Lott is learning as she goes. Also, it's like playing an RPG and gaining more and more gear for your character as us readers watch Lott become more and more "pirate-y". First, the Black Ocean crew lends her some clothes: the pants, knee-high boots, jacobite shirt, and sash with belt. Then, she's given two swords she can dual-wield. Next, Keyelo notices Lott shivering one night, and offers her a coat he had outgrown. So she now has this elegant, blue, flowing coat.
Official character reference sheet posted by Kisai Entertainment
I haven't quite gotten to the point of Lott getting her earring yet. A lot of readers are fearful that she ends up somehow losing her pet bird Balca, and the feather is in memory of her. Considering Balca is the titular Seabird, I don't think us readers have anything to really fear in that regard. It will be fun to see what motivates Lott into turning one of Balca's feathers into an earring, though.

There's also the little mystery as to whether or not Keyelo figured out that Lott is hiding her true gender. Plus, of course, their VERY subtle romantic vibes. LOTS of readers are equating Keyelo to Captain Li Shang from Disney's Mulan. I mean, Keyelo is the son of the Black Ocean pirate captain, and is therefore a vice-captain. Shang is the son of General Li, and is therefore given command of his own troops. Keyelo takes a particular interest in Lott similar to how Shang took to Mulan as she was presenting as Ping. Plus, we have this nearly exact parallel from episode 17 when Keyelo thanks Lott, post-fight, for saving his life.
Ten is the name of Keyelo's pet wolf, not a reference to Key treating Lott like a child
Panel from episode 17 of Seabird and the Wolf
Shang trying to compliment Mulan after she saved China from invasion.
Screenshot from the end of Disney's Mulan
While it is clear that an EVENTUAL romance is intended between Lott and Key (much like one formed between Shang and Mulan), that isn't the main push of the story. The main plotline is about Lott saving her sister, and the Black Ocean pirates taking down the Woohoppiage pirates.

My Husband Changes Every Night

Having read the 101st episode Monday night, I am now less than a week away from concluding this series. Much like Leveling Up My Husband to the Max and Answer Me, My Prince, some weird time travel shenanigans happened right at the end of the series. I don't know what it is about fantasy romance manhwas that this seems to have been everyone's go-to in order to wrap up their stories. Did everyone paint themselves into a corner, making the trials and tribulations for their main characters too difficult for the author to come up with a happy solution otherwise?

The time travel stuff does feel like the story kind of fumbled at the goal line. However, the overall story is still enjoyable. One other critique, however, is that, as the series went on, I feel like the characters' personalities changed. Not the way Killian did in NYTRS. In this case, there didn't seem to be story arc reasons for these changes. It felt more like the author forgot the characters' original personalities as they better developed them into what they needed the characters to be. Kind of like going back to long-running TV shows, such as Friends or The Big Bang Theory or The Simpsons, and seeing the original personalities the characters had before the show really "discovered" the "true" personalities of the characters. Ya know? No arc involved to explain the change, just have it done under-the-table over the course of the story. Done in such a way that the writers hope it was stealthful enough that no one notices. And, for the most part, no one does, unless they go back to those original episodes for a rewatch. Same vibe. Unless you go back to the first couple of episodes of My Husband Changes Every Night, you might not notice the change between Teri's or Rivanfel's personalities. 

Anyway, I have enjoyed reading this story, but I'm not terribly sad to see it go. It does mean I'll have a free reading slot on Mondays open. There's so many in my subscription list that also update Mondays. It will be fun to pick a replacement.

Office Romance from Hell

I was surprised to discover how close to finishing this series I am! I feel like I just started reading it! It is a short series, though. Only 64 episodes long! And I'm already up to episode 56. In a little under two months, I'll be done with the main storyline. Much like Marry My Husband, however, it does have a few spin-off (epilogue) episodes, so I'll have at least another month's worth of epilogue content to get through after I complete the main plot.

I still love the artwork for this series. The main character Jineon is adorable and spunky and honorable to a fault. Seeing the relationship between her and Lord Yeomra blossom has been lovely. Although, I am still fearful, given that one of the Reapers was punished for falling in love with a mortal. Instead of allowing his beloved's soul entry into the reincarnation cycle, her soul was transformed into a field of flowers that smell like spilled blood, and he must tend the field daily.

I'm itching to know more about that story. Specifically, why were they punished? It couldn't have just been because a mortal and a deity fell in love, could it? This isn't some City of Angels sort of BS, right? They must have done something else to warrant the punishment! Or, if it was simply because he was a Reaper and she was a mortal, the punishment couldn't actually be as bad as everyone made it out to be when they told Jineon about it. Right? RIGHT?! I mean, if the punishment truly is as bad as it seems, and for as simple of a transgression as is implied, then how can the readers root for a happy ending between Jineon and Yeomra? Letting them live happily ever after while doing the exact thing that condemned the Reaper and his beloved just feels cruel, no? On the flipside, we certainly can't hope for an equally depressing punishment for our precious Jineon and the loving Yeomra! I'm torn, peeps! There HAS to be something more to the story!

Thankfully, that's the lore drop we're teased with at the close of this week's free release, but that means I have to wait until next Tuesday to find out more! Gaaah!

Lock Me Up, Duke!

As I've mentioned before, this is a new series by the same people as Seabird and the Wolf. The art is just as gorgeous. The story is just as interesting. This one is definitely more humorous, though. More focused on the romance as well. A lot of sensual dream sequences between the main couple! They haven't actually DONE anything yet, but they are clearly thirsty for each other. They just don't know how to say so, especially since they each believe the other isn't interested. Whoops.

I'm also barely into this thing. Only 13 episodes! A lot has already happened, though. The pacing is pretty quick, just like in Seabird and the Wolf. The biggest difference for Lock Me Up, Duke!, however, is that Kisai Entertainment and Gleecat have released an additional FIFTEEN! episodes that you can read if you pay to unlock them via Webtoon coins, which are roughly $0.10 per coin. That's still over $10 for me to buy enough coins to unlock all of the available episodes though, so I'll just stick to being three months behind.... I'll just sit with my adorable slowburn between Jayna and Theo.

The Dragon King's Bride

Another series that looks like it just ended. The 100th episode is listed as the series finale, but it's also not marked as being a completed series. Maybe there's some spin-off/epilogue episodes in the works? Or it's not marked as completed until the series finale is free-to-read? Either way, I'm on episode 92, so I still have a couple of months before I'm done reading this story.

It's hard to say how I feel about this series. It was so much fun watching Lucina come into her own. To grow and evolve into a confident leader in a way that we didn't really see from Teri in My Husband Changes Every Night (Teri just BECOMES a confident leader; no character arc involved). Seeing Hakan and Lucina fall in love, and all of those hot make-out sessions, and Hakan's reluctant pulling away out of fear for Lucina's safety? Yeah, that was the good stuff.

Back then, the villain was Hakan's widowed sister-in-law Giaret trying to sabotage - or possibly even kill - Lucina. That way Giaret could birth Hakan's heir instead, and become queen once more. I loved that early story arc. Lucina is trying to get acclimated to this new kingdom. Her and Hakan are starting to fall for each other, but Lucina is still unsure if she belongs by his side. Giaret is trying to get rid of her, so it's this power struggle between the women. Meanwhile, part of the reason Giaret even has a leg to stand on when it comes to bearing Hakan's child is because she knows she can, whereas no one knows if it's safe for Lucina. There's this drama about whether or not Lucina and Hakan can even consumate their marriage, let alone conceive and bear an heir. Sprinkle in Hakan's mother being seemingly driven mad with grief, when, in fact, she was being cursed with black magic as a way to keep her under control.

GAH! That was all so good!

But then, that story arc was resolved... and yet the story persisted. The true villains, the Shifters/Dragon Hunters, were introduced. The romance between Hakan and Lucina took a backseat to the war story and the doppelganger-invasion story. It is revealed that just about everything we were told about Lucina was a lie! There's twist after twist after twist. Lucina can't use her healing powers when they're needed most. Lucina's place as Hakan's queen is again questioned. There's like two episodes where Hakan and Lucina break up just to add more drama, I guess? I dunno. The whole Shifters War story arc felt less polished than the first arc where Giaret was the villain. I don't know if the author was convinced to extend the story when they only meant to tell the Giaret arc????

Also, to further stress the writing shift for the War arc, Hakan and Lucina make some really distressing decisions when it comes to time management during crucial time-sensitive points in the story.... I just want to throw that out there.

No worries. I think I've finally made it past the War arc, and I'm, hopefully, back to the romance story that I signed up for. 

Oh! And the author seems to have completely forgotten about Lucina's faerie friend Puka??? We haven't heard from him in ages and he would have been pretty helpful in the last story arc or so.... Here's hoping the author explains what happened to him.... 

I Will Live the Life of a Villainess

Ah, the first story that sent me down this fantasy romance/isekai rabbit hole. I've been reading this story the longest out of all the ones listed here. How am I only 67 episodes in (out of 85 released)???? I guess some of the others that I've read had more free episodes available that I could binge through before hitting that weekly update wall???? 

When I first started reading this story, I did originally praise it for taking the time to build up the characters and focus on Elena's support system of fellow independent female nobles. Then it transitioned into a lovely romance story between her and Lloyd. Then it spent what seemed like an almost punishingly long time (14 episodes; over 3 months real-time) with Elena away to help curb and cure a plague. Now that the public health scare is sorted, we're back to Elena and her Girl Squad. 

I mean, yeah, the author made sure to still sprinkle in some sweet Elena and Lloyd moments, but I'm missing the romance. It's listed as a romance story. A lot of readers joked in the comments of those early-series episodes that they forgot that it was supposed to be a romance, given that nothing romantic seemed to happen most of the time. From about the 50th episode on, I feel it's been the same way: "this is a romance? I forgot, because romance hasn't been the focus for so long...." 

I am still enjoying the story, though. If you want a wholesome Female Empowerment period story that happens to also have romance elements and some supernatural mystery (how soul transmigration even happens within this world), then this is probably a good pull for you. 

The Age of Arrogance

Despite it being the third one I started to read, I feel like Age of Arrogance will be my second Lemon Frog adaptation that I'll finish, after The Duke's Cursed Charm. I'm 74 episodes in - as opposed to 84 for NYTRS - but I also feel like I'm close to the end. There's 81 episodes available, and the story isn't listed as concluded, but I truly don't see the plot going for much longer than where we're at now. 

GAAAAAAAAH! THE ARTWORK IS GORGEOUS AND THE ROMANCE BETWEEN ASHA AND CARLISLE IS SO SWEET AND SUPPORTIVE AND AAAAAAAAH!!!!!! I love these two! I'm going to miss them. I also 100% foresee myself just going back through and binge re-reading this story once it's done. The dance Asha and Carlisle do around each other is soooooo gooood! It's just like in Lock Me Up, Duke! where they are both crazy for the other, but they also don't believe the feeling is mutual, so they try to hide their feelings best they can. 

Actually, this describes the dynamic between Adel and Lionel in I Abdicate My Title of Empress as well.... I guess I have a favorite slowburn trope: idiots madly in love with each other who try to hide their feelings because they can't imagine their love interest could actually reciprocate their feelings. I mean...  I don't know why this realization surprises me (or took so long to happen). This dynamic is just the Love Square. Duh. 

Anyway, I love that their romance blossoms on the battle field. Asha is far from the traditional depiction of feminine, and Carlisle loves her all the more for it. I think I've talked about this before, but there is a scene where an artist is hired to paint the official royal portrait of Carlisle and Asha, and the artist is inspired to paint the two of them bloodied and smiling among a pile of corpses on a battle field. And it PERFECTLY captures their marriage! 

Much like NYTRS, I am itching to get to the end of the series so the main couple can have their Happily Ever After. However, I also know that I'm going to miss them dearly once their tale is done and there is nothing new to discover. I probably would have felt the same way about Carhel and Lena - in fact, I do, in part - but their story seemed too abrupt. I haven't read the original webnovel yet, but the adaptation of The Duke's Cursed Charm felt too fast, especially compared to these other adaptations: NYTRS and The Age of Arrogance. I am hoping for a satisfying ending that doesn't feel as rushed, and I have faith in the pacing displayed thus far. 

Maybe Meant to Be

AAAAAH! We're back, baby! Gah! I missed these two idiots! 

As of this series' Thursday, March 6th update, I have decided there's enough of a backlog - 16 episodes - for it to be safe to get back into this story. So, I started up season 2, and was not disappointed. Right out the gate, Jia and Mincheol are just absolute nerds in the most adorable way. Jia opens by re-introducing the main characters of the series to catch everyone up. When she talks about Mincheol she calls him her husband TWICE in the span of a single sentence! 

"...My husband... Mincheol Jin / Age 32 / Programmer at a midsize company... My husband." 

I mean, that could have been an editing error. The editor may have missed the repetition. I like to believe it was intentional and Jia is just a dork about Mincheol being her hubby. And he's equally a dork back, stealing a kiss from her to try to cheer her up while out on a fishing trip with her parents. 

Naturally, because this story remained just as unhinged as the first episode, their fishing boat gets caught up in a massive wave, marooning Mincheol and Jia alone on an uninhabited island. Because, why not? 

I'm so excited for this season, but I'm trying to behave myself and only read one episode every Thursday. That way I can preserve my backlog of free episodes for when I come across a cliffhanger where I HAVE to know what happens next RIGHT. NOW! 

My Child Will Have a Different Father

I know that the title kind of stresses that the main character Princess Hinael's whole drive is to become impregnated by her new husband Prince Lutz. Despite that, I'm still pleasantly shocked at how quickly things have progressed between Hinael and Lutz. I'm only 19 episodes in (30 have been released), and things have already gotten hot and heavy quite a few times between these two! 

This story right here is probably the closest thing I read to those stereotypical romance (read: smut) novels seemingly popular among middle-aged women. Like... I sometimes need to get a glass of water after reading the episodes. 

Again, like some of the other stories I've mentioned above, I'm still too early in the story to really talk about it without giving spoilers. I will say, though, that I love the dichotomy of these characters. 

Hinael presents as a frail damsel-in-distress, but she can (mostly) hold her own, she's determined, and she is willing to fight (sometimes literally) for a future where she can meet her child and raise them safely. 

Meanwhile, Lutz presents as this cold, almost brutal or animalistic foreign force, only marrying Hinael as part of a peace treaty. However, he accepted her offer to pick her as his princess prize near-instantly, despite having better options for leverage over Hinael's home kingdom of Salle. He's also surprisingly gentle with her, masquerading it as "I don't want your parents or the people of Salle to worry about you. This is for peace, after all." Even when they're alone, though, and there is no one to mask for, he's quite gentle with her. He's protective as well. As I mentioned when I first started talking about this series, he saw how nervous Count Chetaire made her, and tried his hardest to insure that she wouldn't be alone with him. Also, Lutz's aftercare during those more intimate scenes with Hinael is just peak. Despite putting on this bravado of "I hate everything; I'm only tolerating you; don't expect much from me as a husband" he is just this absolute puppy towards Hinael. Not a lick of aggressiveness. Quite the opposite, actually. He's constantly checking in to make sure he isn't or hasn't hurt her. The one time he did - accidentally scarring the back of her hand when they first met - he apologized profusely.  

Plenty of green flags with this man, despite himself. Reminds me of Lord Tiwakan from A Savage Proposal.

The Fateful Invitation

Right. This one. The artwork is still very pretty. However, 75 episodes in, I'm up to the season 2 finale, and I still can't stand the main character. I'm purely here for Emperor Ebenezer, his half-brother Nathan, and Nathan's secret twin sister Larina. (Pardon the minor spoiler there...) Give me more of the siblings. Toss everyone else. I really don't care. 

Since the season 2 finale just published on Friday, I'm not sure how long the pause will be before the series comes back for season 3. Honestly, I'm okay with putting this story to the side for a little while. Maybe I'll be more interested once it's back. In the meantime, though, it does mean I have an opening for more Friday-updated stories.... 

Obsidian Bride

AAAAH! I am still OBSESSED with Obsidian Bride! There's so much world-building lore that gets sprinkled in as you read about a dating show for nobles. It's so cool. The dynamic between Lueri/Obsidian and Kane/Moon Owl is just... *chef kiss*. 

I sensed some minor attraction between them the moment they met, but he had this emotional wall up while around her. Plus, he told her to play along and pretend that she was the missing Jewel Box participant Marianne. After telling Lueri what she was tasked to do within the Jewel Box, he displayed an image of her nearly jumping off of her bedroom balcony while alluding to his inability to help her if she didn't agree to keep Marianne's disappearance and Lueri's true identity a secret. She had nearly jumped only minutes before at this point! The fact that she was seconds away from committing suicide was a fresh wound for her, and he shows her at her lowest moment less than an hour later, after telling her to play along as Marianne. He never once threatened her, but it was definitely strongly implied by the way he presented that image specifically. So, none of us readers (or Lueri, for that matter) knew if we could trust Moon Owl.

But, he's a producer and director of the dating show Jewel Box. He is a master of manipulating footage to tell a specific story, even if it isn't true. In a later episode, he tearfully swears to Lueri that he'll keep her safe, and the readers are led to believe that he used this masterful manipulation of footage - showing her nearly committing suicide to imply "Bad Things" would happen if she didn't agree - to convince Lueri to stay and play as Marianne. There was never the threat of her being sent back to her horrid life or for her life to be threatened at all if she didn't play along. He just needed her to BELIEVE she had no other choice if she wanted a happy life. 

EXCEPT! One of the other Jewel Box participants - Alexandrite - strongly implies to Obsidian that she cannot trust Moon Owl. He tells her a story of how the royal family once had a body double - a decoy - for the second prince, and disposed of the decoy once he was no longer useful to the Emperor; highly suggesting that ANY body doubles used for ANY royalty have to be disposed of once their usefulness is complete. Does this mean that the Emperor and Moon Owl are planning on doing the same with Lueri when she's no longer needed to pose as Marianne????  

There's also the "mystery" of who was Lueri's first love. I say "mystery" in quotes because it was revealed to the readers, but I won't spoil that here. Lueri still has no clue, though, and highly suspects that Alexandrite may have been the boy she shared her first kiss with. Moon Owl, on the other hand, stresses to her that Alex cannot be that boy, there's too much of an age gap between Alex's real identity and Lueri. Can she believe Moon Owl, though? 

There's this emotional tug-of-war between Alex and Moon Owl for Obsidian's heart. Meanwhile, Platinum is still trying to win her favor, but that's because he's convinced she's Marianne. It's hard to know if he actually sees Lueri behind the Obsidian persona the way Alex does. Also, Amber is in a weird spot as well. She wants to win Platinum's heart - and you can see that he's oh-so-slowly falling for her - but she also wants to pave the way for Platinum to be with Obsidian, if that's who he truly wants. It's heartbreaking to see her care so much for Platinum, and for him to see how much she cares, but also push those feelings aside because he's still so fixated on Marianne/Obsidian. 

While it was exciting to see Obsidian flirting with Sapphire, Lueri admitted to Moon Owl that she only did so because she thought it was maybe him. She suspected that, similar to how Lueri is pretending to be Marianne, Moon Owl might have snuck himself into the show (perhaps to help Lueri's performance to keep it convincing). But, no. Sapphire is decidedly a different person than Moon Owl. As Obsidian started to emotionally pull away from Sapphire, Pearl started to really connect with him. I'm so happy for that, because Pearl and Sapphire are just a fun couple to watch. Although, I do miss seeing more of that sibling dynamic Pearl formed with Garnet. 

Speaking of, Amethyst and Garnet is the other couple that is fantastic to watch. While adorable, I am still a bit torn with these two. I mean, I was rooting for them since episode 1 or 2 when you could see how quickly Amethyst fell for Garnet, and how gentle and patient he is with her (which is part of why she fell so hard and so quick). The part that gives me pause, however, is that Garnet didn't seem to start having a romantic interest in Amethyst until circumstances forced her to reveal her true identity. Some minor spoilers here, but Garnet is from a highly militaristic kingdom. Meanwhile, Amethyst is a saint from a papal state. She has healing powers - which is why she revealed her true identity - but only if she remains an unwed maiden. Also, she must be magically blinded as well. Garnet is instantly intrigued by the idea of a great healer being part of his kingdom's royal family. How many soldiers could they save and heal with that kind of power? Then he realizes that if he and Amethyst end up as a couple via the Jewel Box and get married, she will have to renounce her powers as a saint, and she won't have her healing ability anymore. Her eyes will be magically unsealed though, allowing her to see again. So there's that. 

I know the author presented that fork in the road for Amethyst specifically to dissuade readers like myself from thinking that Garnet is simply interested in Amethyst's healing ability. However, the point of the Jewel Box is for participants to fall in love without knowing what their beloved truly looks like or any political advantage the union might bring, and yet Garnet knows both those things. He knows that he can't bring home a saint with the ability to heal, because she couldn't be anyone's bride if she still had her powers, and vice versa. He also knows exactly what she looks like - minus the color of her actual eyes, due to them being magically sealed shut - and is in awe of her beauty. But he still didn't seem interested in Amethyst BEFORE that.... 

Either way, they are still adorable, and I am still rooting for them. I hope that Garnet proves himself worthy of Amethyst completely uprooting her life, giving up her powers, and regaining her vision in order to be with him. He has been adorably attentive towards her, even braiding her hair as they talk (a braid she then kept in for a few days). In one of the more recent episodes I read, Amethyst lets Garnet know that she cannot do anything intimate, including kissing, while still a saint. That said, she is willing to be punished for her transgressions if he wished to kiss her.... The PANIC this man had on his face from the thought of his actions causing Amethyst to be punished in any way! GAAAH! They're so cute!

I do want to learn more about that second prince decoy, though. We also recently learned a little of what happened to Marianne, but not why she disappeared in the first place. I can't wait to learn more about that. We also learned why Kane picked Lueri to be Marianne's last-minute replacement, even if she didn't seem to fit the bill. I want to learn more about the royals though. The new emperor (or is he still the crown prince? I can't recall) is presented as this sweet man when we're first introduced to him. One of the Jewels in the original Jewel Box airing. The more we see him, though, especially when he's interacting with Kane, the more I'm wary of him. There's something about how he's drawn that makes him seem sinister. So, I'm waiting for the second shoe to drop. 

I know this is silly to say because it's the weekend and just about everyone can't wait until Saturday, but, man! Saturdays (when Obsidian Bride updates) can't come fast enough! 
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Phew! Okay, some of those recaps felt longer than others. In part, that's because I'm further into some stories than others. In part, it's because talking more would be dropping major spoilers, and I already included enough spoilers in that last section when I talked about Amethyst's real identity. In part, it's because I just genuinely enjoy some of these stories more.

Speaking of stories that I enjoy, I do have that new series that I started reading. This time it was one that I grabbed from my subscription list: I Am The Villain
Working hard is supposed to take you far - but into the world of your best friend's novel? For Lucy, being whisked into a life of ballrooms and picnics isn't exactly what it's cracked up to be; at least, not when everyone has mistaken her for the villain flagged for death. To escape this fate, Lucy must transform from modern workaholic to high society schemer if she even has a chance at returning home. Will she make it? Or will this world of beautiful outfits, strawberry desserts, and dashingly handsome gentlemen seal her fate?

    - Official Webtoon Summary

The description wasn't kidding when it mentioned "dashingly handsome gentlemen". This series is lousy with them.

So, you have Lucy, who has no clue how she somehow isekai'd into her best friend Sena's novel. However, none of us readers are sure about Sena, considering she designed the novel's protagonist Claire to look just like herself (seemingly a self-insert style character), and the novel's villainess Lucia Aurelius to look exactly like Lucy. Plus... ya know... Lucy... Lucia... quite the leap to connect those two, I'm sure....

It really does feel like maybe Sena had some hidden resentment towards her supposed bestie. For one, she did indeed design her villainess based off of said best friend. For two, she then gave that villainess a first name suspiciously close to her best friend's. Third, she wrote a story where the protagonist - who resembles herself - steals Lucia's fiancé, resulting in Lucia's complete disgrace. And four, Sena had the villainess of her story, who is designed based off of Lucy, not only lose her fiancé and dignity to the protagonist, but she was also unceremoniously executed! Not. Cool. 

Anyway, what IS cool about this plot is that poor Lucy was a busy medical student in her former life. She was excited for Sena to have both written and published her novel, but Lucy didn't have the time to actually read it. She looked up spoilers and recaps online to get the gist of the plot, but is more-or-less still going in blind. While Suna Choi from NYTRS, Lim Jeongah from Divorcing My Tyrant Husband, and Yuna Jeong from I Will Live the Life of a Villainess all knew their respective stories well enough going in to know which plot points to look out for, Lucy is mostly clueless.

She remembers that Lucia was adopted by Duke Aurelius when she was a kid, but still older than the Duke's biological sons Alexander and Theodore. The Duke adored his new daughter and spoiled her to the point of neglecting his sons, causing them to resent her. Oddly enough, though, the Alexander that Lucy meets doesn't seem cold and distant from his sister. If anything, he seems protective of her. Theo, on the other hand, seems far more aggressive and disgusted by Lucia than Lucy had expected.

Then there's Lucia's fiancé, the crown prince Arthur. In the novel, Lucia was absolutely head-over-heels for the prince. Arthur, on the other hand, had no interest in Lucia, and actually found her annoying. He was happy to be rid of her in the novel, marrying Claire instead. Because of that being pretty much THE WHOLE POINT of the novel, as far as Lucy was concerned, she figured she'd do the same thing so many of these transmigrated villainesses do: break things off with the novel's male lead so she's no longer in the way of the main romance, and therefore won't be considered the villainess.

Which is fantastic, because the creator Sejji showcased Lucia (Lucy) going over her plan to via the Gru's Plan meme.

Panels from the 2nd episode of I Am The Villain by Sejji

So funny! The whole series thus far has had humor like that. Also, check out that artwork! So neat, right? A unique style, and I love the softer colors.

Speaking of the humor, I just love how Sejji gives Lucy/Lucia such bold expressions. They are hilarious and evocative. I won't explain what the crown prince did wrong here, but, this is a prime example of what I'm talking about.

"Murder" literally written in her eyes kills me! (excuse the pun)
Panels from episode 18 of
I Am The Villain by Sejji

The angry smoke just billowing off of Lucia. The angry, pulsating veins (that's what 💢 is supposed to be; forehead veins that become visible when angry). The sharp, pain lines from Arthur's hand as Lucia tightens her grip around it. The nervous sweat marks from Arthur paired with the shaky left arm. The man is rightly terrified of her! It's a shame she decided to break things off with Arthur and/or that Arthur is written to be destined for Claire instead. Because it would be amazing to have someone strong like Lucy/Lucia there to rein in the king to make sure he doesn't let his ego and power go to his head! 

Continuing with both the struggles that Lucia (Lucy) has to navigate and the other "dashingly handsome gentlemen" that will join her life. Crown Prince Arthur has a younger brother, the second prince Leonardo. Since she didn't actually read the story, all Lucy knew of Prince Leo was that he's nicknamed "The Crimson Lion" and that he's a "cold-blooded general." As Lucy recounts in episode 4, "He was a side character in the story and was rarely mentioned. But I remember him distinctly being described as a ruthless man. A fierce warrior and protector of the kingdom." 

This is far from the Leo we - both Lucia and the readers - meet. The readers are first introduced to Leo as he's helping to train new recruits. He's having a one-on-one battle with a young soldier/knight, and giving him pointers on his fighting style while also complementing the young warrior. He's then berated by the head maid after Leo dodged his lessons to be on the training ground. The whole time, he's joking around and commenting on how he doesn't need to know all the political elements of being a royal since that's Arthur's job as the crown prince. Finally, Leo spots Lucia as she's climbing a tree in her elegant dress in an attempt to rescue a trapped cat.

Leo is there to catch Lucia when a branch snaps and she falls out of the tree. He then teases her a little bit, but is stunned into silence when Lucia lets him know that she just discussed breaking off the engagement with Prince Arthur. You can tell he's conflicted. There's definitely a connection there, and you know he's sad that Lucia will no longer have a reason to come by the palace, let alone live there. He's losing his connection to her. But also, now he doesn't have to worry about her being married to his brother. It's pretty clear the moment he sees Lucia that he's smitten with her. He won't have to worry about being in love with his sister-in-law, but she also won't be in his life anymore.

Then we get this heartbreaking scene as he escorts her back to her carriage to head home, and asks if she's okay after the break-up with Arthur.

Scenes from episode 4 of I Am The Villain by Sejji

That lingering shot at Leo's hand as Lucia pulls hers away? Him staring at potentially his last bit of contact with the woman he cares so deeply for? Ugh! My heart! It hurts! Oh, I instantly started shipping these two together. They had such lovely chemistry. He clearly cares for her. He's playful. Plus, it would be so fun to stick it to Arthur - who we all know is going to fall in love with Lucia now that he can't have her - if Lucia goes from his fiancée to his sister-in-law.

The thing, though, is that I Am The Villain started off as a Webtoon Canvas series, but was then picked up for an official Original release. I didn't know this. I therefore didn't know that Leo isn't supposed to be the main love interest. I figured that out when the true main love interest showed up at the end of the next episode and the top comments all screamed out the character's name.

Panel from episode 5 of
I Am The Villain by Sejji

"REPEAT AFTER ME: 🗣️NOAH 🗣️NOAH 🗣️NOAH / Our man is here"
"NOAHHHHHHHH!!! Our Knight in shinning armor is here!!!"

I think one of my favorite comments was, "The way the artist pays so much attention to the BG. Also finally our white haired ML finally goes into the foreground after making small bg appearances!!"

It's so true! There really aren't any other white-haired characters, and Sejji makes sure that each character has a distinct look, so it was pretty easy for me to notice him continuously popping up in the background. He actually made his first appearance in the second episode, while Lucia was traveling to the castle to meet with Prince Arthur. Considering how much commotion he was causing in the comments now that he was officially introduced, I was surprised more people didn't scream about him showing up in the background of earlier episodes.

As far as I am in the series - 24 episodes in out of 69 episodes (plus a recap episode between seasons 1 and 2) - those are all of the main characters:

  • Lucy/Lucia
  • Lucia's adopted brother Alexander
  • Lucia's younger adopted brother Theodore
  • Crown prince Arthur
  • Second prince Leo
  • Noah, who becomes Lucia's trusted knight (aka personal bodyguard)
  • Claire, the novel's original protagonist

There is a twist, however! Spoilers for episode 11 of the series, but I had never come across this trope before - despite it apparently being an old trend within transmigration stories - and I absolutely love the extra layer it adds.

Theo gets a letter from Lucia... the REAL Lucia... the one originally from the world within the novel! Seems she was kidnapped while on her way to visit Prince Arthur a few months prior. No one noticed Lucia had gone missing because her kidnapping happened the same time as Lucy isekai'd into the novel!


Lucy didn't possess Lucia! Lucy full on teleported into the world of the novel, and, because her friend Sena had designed Lucia off of Lucy, she was a perfect doppelganger! Despite appearing in the novel-world while in her 21st century clothes, everyone confused her for Lucia, and Alexander carried the unconscious Lucy back to the Aurelius estate. When Lucy woke up in Lucia's room with no knowledge of how she got there, and she saw Lucia's picture on the wall, and everyone kept calling her by Lucia's name.... she naturally thought that maybe she was dreaming that she transmigrated into her friend's novel. When she stubbed her toe - something we see in the opening of the first episode - and the pain makes her crumple to the floor, she realizes that it's not a dream. The only explanation she had was that she must have somehow ACTUALLY possessed Lucia since the two look identical. She never meant to steal Lucia's identity. She was under the assumption that she was forced to live it.

Getting back to the original Lucia, she was trafficked to a northern portion of the empire. She managed to escape, but quickly collapsed from the strain of everything she went through. Thankfully, she was rescued by a man named Aaron.

**Side note: Sejji seem to have a thing for male A-names; kind of like how I am with male J-names....

*ahem* So, Aaron nursed Lucia back to health over the months that Lucy was unknowingly taking Lucia's place. Once she was better, Lucia sent a letter home to let everyone know that she was alive and well. She also married Aaron and is staying with him up north. She asks her father and brothers to please let Prince Arthur know that the engagement is off. She was sure the prince would be elated by the news that he is now free of her.

Well, at least Lucy got ahead of Lucia's final request. Also, good for Lucia for finding happiness, especially when we saw how cold Prince Arthur could be towards someone he believed to be Lucia. I do feel bad for Leo, though, because the woman he truly was in love with is indeed married to someone else. RIP.

But, man! I love that twist! The person the main character thought they were possessing is actually still alive and well within the story, so now there's just... two of them! Also, now Lucia's brother Theo knows that Lucy isn't actually his sister, but an unintentional imposter!

The only thing that bugs me about this whole scenario is that the real Lucia apparently has this large scar that runs the length of her left shoulder. After this reveal that Lucy isn't possessing Lucia's body, NOW is when people are starting to notice that the scar is gone.

In order to keep up appearances, Lucy has had handmaids dress her daily and prep her for baths. She has also been living as Lucia for about two months by the time Theo got this letter. HOW HAS NO ONE NOTICED THE MISSING SCAR BEFORE???? Especially Lucia's head handmaid, who does indeed note that her scar "must have healed" while helping Lucy dress for the royal picnic. The picnic where, within the original novel plot, Prince Arthur and Lucia officially celebrate their engagement; the start of the novel. However, this time, Arthur is SUPPOSED to announce the annulment of their betrothal at the picnic.... Anyway, the point remains that, presumably, Lucia's head maid would have been present during any of Lucy's prior dressings and/or baths, and yet she's only just now noticing the scar is missing? Now that we have the reveal that Lucy isn't inhabiting Lucia's body? Feels like a plot hole that no one noticed the absence of such a prominent scar sooner. Maybe we'll learn that Lucy did originally have the scar when she first arrived and was playing the role of Lucia, but the scar has faded over time the more Lucy diverges from the original plot???? That would be kind of cool.... Guess I'll have to keep reading to see.

The story is currently on hiatus, but it's set to update "every Thursday" normally. And, since the update days are based off of Korea's time zone, that means...


Hacker Girl
Facebook sticker
by Birdman, Inc

And, with that, my reading schedule now looks like this:

  • Sunday:
    • You Can't Kill Me: The Secret Bride of the Black Wolf
    • At Your Mercy
    • A Savage Proposal
    • Daily Pass Unlocks:
      • Divorcing My Tyrant Husband
      • I Abdicate My Title of Empress
    • As much of I Am The Villain as I want. At least, until I catch up
  • Monday:
    • Not Your Typical Reincarnation Story
    • Seabird and the Wolf
    • Daily Pass Unlocks:
      • Divorcing My Tyrant Husband
      • I Abdicate My Title of Empress
    • I Am The Villain
  • Tuesday:
    • I Will Live the Life of a Villainess
    • The Dragon King's Bride
    • Office Romance from Hell
    • Lock Me Up, Duke!
    • Daily Pass Unlocks:
      • Divorcing My Tyrant Husband
      • I Abdicate My Title of Empress
    • I Am The Villain
  • Wednesday:
    • If I can resist, I could wait and read I Am The Villain only on the designated update day.... but, until I'm caught up and it's back from hiatus, I think this will still be my only day that I don't have a weekly-update story to read.
    • Daily Pass Unlocks only:
      • Divorcing My Tyrant Husband
      • I Abdicate My Title of Empress
    • Catch up on any missed episodes thus far that week
    • I Am The Villain
  • Thursday:
    • The Age of Arrogance
    • Maybe Meant to Be
    • Daily Pass Unlocks:
      • Divorcing My Tyrant Husband
      • I Abdicate My Title of Empress
    • I Am The Villain
  • Friday:
    • The Fateful Invitation (on hiatus)
    • My Child Will Have a Different Father
    • Daily Pass Unlocks:
      • Divorcing My Tyrant Husband
      • I Abdicate My Title of Empress
    • I Am The Villain
  • Saturday:
    • Obsidian Bride
    • Daily Pass Unlocks:
      • Divorcing My Tyrant Husband
      • I Abdicate My Title of Empress
    • I Am The Villain

Now to see if I can find a story that will take the Tuesday slot soon vacated by My Husband Changes Every Night, as well as the temporarily vacant Friday spot, left available due to The Fateful Invitation being on hiatus. I also need to decide if I'm still invested in At Your Mercy.....

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Until I catch you all again at the end of the month, Happy Reading!

Friday, February 28, 2025

Learning to Love (Writing) Again

Est. Read Time: 15min
This Month's Font: Pangolin

Surprising probably everyone - including myself - I actually did some (tangential) writing this month!

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Granted, I haven't actually written anything narratively.... but I HAVE been thinking REEEEEAAAALLLY HARD about my WIPs. That counts, right?

As I mentioned in my LRRC update, I had distracted myself by building a new Discord server. Aurora Morgen had really been grinding away at nir original story lately. Nearly daily, ne would send me a new message about a new idea for nir novel. I thought that maybe it would be easier to keep all of those conversations together on a server than it was trying to re-find them when interspersed throughout our DMs. I also thought that maybe having more eyes on this project could be of some extra help. So I included our mutual friend Dragnime and his wife. Then, as I thought more about this new server, I realized, "I really just miss having a writing group!" Naturally, that lead me to invite two of my friends from my former writing group (that unfortunately disbanded with the 2020 shutdowns). Now there's five people on this little baby server (Dragnime's wife hasn't joined yet).

Aurora is still mostly hammering out the details for nir story in our DM's. Prior to yesterday, Dragnime had posted a couple of things, but was originally relatively silent. The two writing group friends said "hi" in the generic greeting channel, but haven't really interacted more than that. Me, on the other hand? Oh, I've been utilizing the crap out of this new server. Might as well, right? I built the dang thing!

I have massively infodumped on this server! I spent a couple of days just giving bios for each of my OCs. Did you know I have 18 of them!? Because I sure as heck didn't until I started posting about them on Discord! That doesn't even include my Scum & Villainy NPCs such as Mevakor or Maggie or my fleshing out of Banshee the pirate queen. I also didn't include my original reworks of canonical X-Men characters for my conversion of X-Future into Glitches. Or any of Jolene's "Lost Loves and Paramours"... that's another 11 characters right there (a full dozen if you count me reworking Rensin into an original character). Good gravy, I'd easily have over 3-dozen OCs if I went that in-depth!

So, who did make the cut?

  1. Lia
  2. Willow
  3. Trish
  4. Shawn (Willow's brother)
  5. Amara
  6. Jolene
  7. Kriv
  8. Emerald Gaze
  9. Arianna Snow (nee Pamela Sheppard) - an old D&D character and inspiration for my Tumblr blog title
  10. Elymoxa
  11. Aubrianne
  12. Natalie
  13. Connor
  14. Colton
  15. Zetelica
  16. Artie
  17. Anna-Marie
  18. Jynna

Some of those are SUCH blasts from the past, aren't they? For you long-time readers, do you remember who all of them are?!

I also use Spotify playlists like they're Pinterest boards. I have five different ones dedicated to either individual stories - such as Seduce with Caution or I Don't Care - or dedicated to just a single character - such as Jolene or Trish. (The fifth playlist is for generic X-Future "vibes"). You best believe that I shared all five of these playlists on my Discord server. I also included my Google Doc explaining exactly why I picked the songs I did for Jolene's playlist, why they are in the order that they are, and what part of her narrative each song is supposed to represent. Like I said, musical Pinterest boards....

Since Dragnime did start sharing his world building ideas, I had decided to do the same. I linked to the two stories I had up on Fiction Press that talked about my build of Gyateara (which I haven't really touched since 2014!):

If all that isn't enough, the other day I went down a bit of a rabbit hole. I dove back into S&V and my list of original alien builds. That's how I spent most of my downtime at work. Just... sat with my Google Docs list of 11 original alien ideas, complete with physical descriptions of them and some cultural breakdowns. The doc is nearly 30 pages long! I mean, it's a bulleted list with images included, but... still...

That document also reminded me of the struggles I've had in trying to sort out how to actually share all of my Glitches and Scum & Villainy world builds. I want to do a sort of fandom wiki, but I can't seem to figure out how to do so for original content, and everyone hates the actual Fandom site anyway.... I tried using World Anvil instead, and I've enjoyed using it. However, I quickly hit my limit of free articles, and I can't afford to pay the subscription fee to keep going on World Anvil.

If any of you can help me out with building these two fandom wikis, please let me know!

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One of the bigger posts I shared to the server - outside of my massive OC list - was about my plot bunny ideas. It's not even all of them. Admittedly, I've kind of moved on from about 5 ideas since I last posted about my plunnies back in 2022. Even so, I ended up with eight ML fanfic plot bunnies. The ones that survived the "I'm over it" ax are:

  1. Non-magic game streamer AU
    • This is probably my frontrunner of new ideas I want to develop
  2. The PV of ML (Felix as Chat Noir and Bridgette as Ladybug) co-exists with canon
    • Obviously ignoring season 5, so no sentibeing shenanigans and Felix isn't romantically attached to Kagami
  3. Adrien is in need of a fake girlfriend, and decides on Marinette
  4. Rewrite of canon so that Gabriel is actually a decent father who loves his son
    • Especially since the Agreste Saga is over, I really do want to work on this. I'd have to sort out how to handle the whole sentibeings BS though....
  5. Adrien tries out the concept that “if you want the truth, ask the same question 3x” on both Ladybug and Marinette, to surprising results.
  6. Another retelling of the 12th chapter of Remember That Time When... by MostLovedGirl. This time focusing more on Adrien’s isolation after Marinette literally locked herself away from him.
  7. Adrien discovers that Ladybug is Marinette, and tries to figure out who this boy is that she’s in love with
      7b. Adrien finds out HE’S the boy that Ladybug keeps turning Chat Noir down for
    • May or may not be a separate story from the above plot bunny
  8. Master Fu backstory filling in the time between the fall of the monastery and when we meet him in Origins. Mostly focusing on the 1940s and WWII.
    • Probably the one I'm the least interested in still....

Beyond those 8 fanfic ideas, I've also had an original isekai story living rent-free in my head for about two weeks now. I mean, given the number of romance isekai/transmigration/portal fantasy stories I've been consuming lately, paired with all of the isekais my husband had been watching the last couple of months, I'm surprised it kept me this long to come up with an isekai concept myself.

This specific idea was the spawn of "romance isekai" and "multiple people are isekai'd into the same world but might not realize they aren't the only one". With regards to the manhwa I read, I'm thinking like I Will Live the Life of a Villainess, where both the female and male leads were isekai'd into the same story, but weren't originally aware of that fact. Thankfully, they realized fairly quickly that there was someone else in this fantasy setting that was from modern-day South Korea. Also, one of stories I started reading a little while ago, Divorcing My Tyrant Husband, has both the female lead and her romantic rival isekai'd from modern-day Korea. The rival - Aisha - has no clue that the female lead - Robellia - is also from another world. Finally, there's At Your Mercy. Granted, this time only one person appears to have been isekai'd, but this is the second time it's happened to her, and she's transmigrated into the same story as a different character. The male lead/romantic interest is starting to realize that these seemingly two different people are actually one-and-the-same - in a spiritual sense - because they have the same telling ticks and mannerisms. 

On my husband's side of things, he started watching So I'm a Spider, So What? In that, an entire classroom died together in an explosion and reincarnated in this new fantasy world. At first, the classmates didn't realize they weren't the only one to get isekai'd. Once they realized they weren't alone, they also discovered that it was the whole class that was reincarnated. They just didn't necessarily know who in this new world was a reincarnation of their former teacher or classmates. They also weren't necessarily reincarnated in a way that was easy for them to find each other. The one classmate was reincarnated as the titular spider, for instance. Since spiders mature faster than humans, she was basically an adult with kids of her own by the time she finally meets up with her former classmates; all still teens.

Anyway, all of those ideas blended together in my head to come up with this isekai concept:

A loving, devoted, happy couple dies together, but, perhaps it's so sudden that they don't realize they died. They are then isekai'd to the same new world. Maybe it's more of the South Korean "transmigration" style where they possess a teen/adult already in that world and take over from that moment on. Either way, neither member of the couple knows that their partner was transmigrated with them. They are nowhere near each other when they wake up in their new bodies.

But... red string of fate and all that... they manage to still gravitate to each other somehow. They both, however, are still wondering if it's possible to return to Earth and their loving spouse (not realizing their spouse is no longer on Earth either). They can't give up on their spouse. They are actively ignoring the tingly feelings they are having whenever they are around their reincarnated spouse because they have no clue, and falling for this "new" person feels like a betrayal still.


There's these little mannerisms. These flashes of their old lives/personality trickling into their new body, and their spouse notices. "Am I just projecting?" the spouse wonders. "Am I falling for this person because they remind me so much of my love?" It doesn't even occur to them for the longest time that maybe their spouse was isekai'd with them.

They continue to dance around each other in a slow-burn romance before SOMETHING happens where they both instantly realize "Oh, shit! We're both from Earth! Does- does that mean you're who I THINK you are????"

Huzzah! They have re-discovered each other! Obviously, other exterior drama would be mixed in, but, hey, at least they are reunited in this new life!

I have no clue where to go with this concept, but I just can't stop thinking about it. Would I be able to recognize my husband if he were in a different body? Would he recognize me? Would we be able to find each other and fall in love again? We claimed as much in our vows, but it would be interesting to see if it were as true as we'd like to believe. 

One of the bigger questions I have to figure out is: what kind of exterior drama would there be that would continue to tug at this romance? For I Will Live the Life of a Villainess, there's the power struggle for the crown between the isekai'd male lead and his younger brother. Meanwhile, the isekai'd female lead is trying to survive the execution her character originally suffered, all while battling against a potential third isekai'd character. In Divorcing My Tyrant Husband, very much the same thing: Robellia just wants to survive the death the character suffered in the original novel, but, in her attempt to survive, she is unintentionally undermining Aisha and making her a bigger enemy. For At Your Mercy, the female lead is trying to sort out the mysteries of (1) how did she return to Earth from her original transmigration, (2) how did the character she first possessed end up dying, (3) why/how is she isekai'd a second time into the same story, and (4) can she recover the poor reputation this second character she possessed has without raising suspicion of the character's possession? In So I'm A Spider, So What?, there's the political pull of the secondary main character banding his former classmates together when said classmates and their teacher and the classmate who reincarnated as a spider all got reincarnated into opposing factions. Also, the lead was reincarnated as a spider in a magical world where people indiscriminately kill all monsters. She has to figure out how to survive! 

Soooooo, yeah.... what kind of external drama should be going on that would cause the leads' lives to be rough even after they refind their true love? Also, would my knowledge of regency-era hierarchies via the isekais I consume be enough, or would I have to do some research? What would be the tells each lead would show that would hint to each other that this person was once their spouse? What would cause them to finally feel safe enough to confirm it?

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Soooooo yeah! That's more-or-less the extent of my writing this month: updating my blog, helping Aurora with nir story, creating that writing group Discord server, and re-connecting with all of my OCs, WIPs, and plot bunnies as I infodump about them on the server.

It is nice to think about OCs again and talk about world builds for stories like Glitches or Blame Fate for This or Gyateara in general.

Now, to actually write something new..... It's been 8 months since I've published any new stories. Ooof. 

I just can't seem to lock in on anything that I want to narrate quite yet. I've been consuming content by the gallons in an attempt to spark ANYTHING. While posting to that Discord server has helped respark my desire to create, it also just had me dive back into character-/world-building. Nothing story wise. As for stories to tell, I'm still tapped dry.

In the meantime, at least I'm still - surprisingly - getting those AO3 emails letting me know that my stories are still receiving kudos. I do still have to squint at a lot of those kudos notifications; still unsure if they're actual people or just bots... especially all of the "guest" kudos that don't include a comment with them. For the most part, however, they warm my heart. And surprise me a bit.

While the kudos have more-or-less fallen off for I Think I Like You (Maybe More Than I Should) - which I fully expected, as an almost year-old ML fanfic - the kudos are still semi-regularly coming in for the even older You Pretended Not to Care! I even got a new comment on it!

What am I going to do with you, Edith Rudwick?

Edith and Killian are the formula of STRANGERS TO LOVERS!!! The author was cooking and they COOKED.

But this Fic! I needed this. I love this. It gives me the mind of Killian and you [censored] COOKED!!!
Sizzling and tasty.


EEEEEEEEEE!!! Totally awesome! Right? The better YPNTC continues to do the more I truly believe that my downfall is simply being in the bloated Miraculous Ladybug fandom. That, and the fact that my stories aren't all fanon "What If..." AU rewrites: What if Chloe got the Ladybug Miraculous instead of Marinette? What if Adrien allied with his father and Ladybug had to battle Chat Noir along with Hawk Moth (and maybe Mayura)? What if Adrien and/or Marinette were transgender or some other queer character? What if Adrien and/or Marinette were an amputee after a near-death accident/attack? What if the story followed Felix instead of Marinette and Adrien? What if Fantasy AU? What if Coffee House AU? What if No Magic AU? What if Adrien and Marinette grew apart but then reunited in their 20s? What if they believed the other one had died? What if Marinette and Adrien never met each other outside of their superhero personas when they were teens? What if Batman and his legion of kids existed in the same universe, and Marinette fell in love with one of the Robins instead?

You get the idea.

It feels like the biggest stories in the fandom are all "What If...?" AU stories.... And I'm over here writing slightly canon non-conforming content.... is that my issue? Or is it because I don't publish something new just about weekly? I'm still trying to figure out why I'm just so obscure in the ML fandom.

To be fully frank, both being virtually invisible in the ML fandom, and also failing to garner much attention in my non-ML fics because they're in dying/dead fandoms hasn't really helped much with my writing confidence. Adding some salt to the wound, as exciting as it is to talk to fellow writers again via my Discord server, there's also not much.... interaction there either. Dragnime and I are each posting about our own stories, but virtually no one is commenting on other people's stuff. It still feels like pulling teeth to get anyone to read my content.

Actually... it feels more like I'm trying to force-feed my content....

Scene from Disney's Aladdin
Edited into a meme by LycoRogue

Ooof. I'm going down a dark path. Let's jump back off of that real quick!

Instead, how about we focus on this month's positive. A blessing to reflect back on at the end of the year.

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Honestly, I think I've already told you all of my February "Good News"/blessings/positive vibes... whatever you want to call it.

I'm going back through my old WIP and plot bunnies lists. I went through my OCs and remembered some I haven't thought of in years. I looked back at my Gyateara world-build. I revisited my alien builds for S&V. I'm getting excited about writing again. I had a horrid close to my work day yesterday, but still delighted in the realization that it helped me think of a potential akuma idea for one of my ML fanfics. (Now to think of a name for a raging Godzilla-like monster born from a customer service worker snapping...)

I'm also taking pride that *I* did that! It wasn't some outside force. I was the one who decided to create this server. I was the one who decided it was time to talk about my writing again. I was the one who paused and reread through my old work. I was the one who jumpstarted my own love for my writing, and writing in general.

Plus, that awesome review on You Pretended Not to Care didn't hurt. While - as I mentioned - it feels like I'm struggling to force-feed my content onto ANYONE just so it's read and I can talk about it WITH people (as opposed to AT people), whenever YPNTC gets any love I feel like I could maybe relax a bit. That maybe my writing IS good enough that people WANT to read it. That I don't have to corner people with my stories going, "Did you read it yet? How about now? How about now? NOW????" People found my stuff all on their own. They took time out of their day to read it. They enjoyed it enough to leave some love. That's super cool. And each one of those kudos and comments is an inch of rope I can use to climb back out of this pit of self-doubt.

Thank you, dear readers. Love you all loads!

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Now to ride this high into actually writing something! Maybe I'll have actual advancement in any of my WIPs when I publish my March update. In the meantime, I'll catch you around the Ides of March for my next update of LycoRogue's Reading Corner.

Hopefully you can put down your daggers long enough for a nice read.